< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
*Dark Words*


Fantasies plunge me into insanity.
  Unnatural desires devour me alive.
Reality is like an endless death.
  I must escape it, if I'm to survive.

Look at me--What do you see?
   My lungs are filled with it.
Like air...I breathe it in deeply. 
   As the rush burns my brain.
  Like a drug, I hunger for more.
   Its poisons surging through my veins.
Life... Nothing but a bad trip.
   I thirst for death, from death I sip.
  I taste of it, as it crosses my lip.
   Fill my cup, so from life I may slip.

My soul feels that death becomes me.
  Go ahead, look deeper, you will see.
My eyes appear empty and cold.
  My heart, heavy with pain so old.

My smile, plastic. 
  My senses, elastic.
   My mind, useless. 
    My thoughts, bold.

To Death...
  ...the essence of my soul is sold.
~Monique Morgan


I, like barren tree
Stand alone in forest green.
Weather'd by life's harsh acid rains
Not a single leaf on me remains.
Nor a feather'd friend will one find
Except the waste they leave behind.
Not a weeping willow
Nor a towering oak am I.
Unstable foundation
For exposing roots don't lie.
Yet, I must admit I am stronger than most
Planted deep in the richest of life's compost.

~Monique Morgan


Harrowing crows darken the sky--
And a crisp wind carries their cries...
To a forgotten place, far, far away--
Where no one ever dies.

I catch a glimpse of myself--
Icy eyes reflecting in the river...
Full of nothing but disgrace--
I begin to shake and shiver.

After years of internal fighting--
An eternal need stirs within...
The urge for a victim biting--
And the deadly hunger begins.

It's far too late to change what I am--
Try as I might, it won't happen.
I am a foul creature of the night--
It is blood that I should be lappen.

Throughout the centuries--
I have pondered plenty...
To pinpoint my demise.
But for all my efforts--
I am afraid to say...
That I'm no more the wise.

Yet this hunger...
It grows--
Stronger each day.
My mind...
It suffers--
Such eternal disarray.

I am what I am--
It happens, you know.
So let the feast begin--
Let the red blood flow.

And yet, my soul shifts uneasily--
As I lean over my victim.
Slashing her throat to watch it bleed--
Oh how I like to let them suffer...
Before I begin to feed.

Trying to conquer this demon inside--
Was not a good thing at all.
It's like watching one of those humans--
Bang their head against a wall.

(Though there is no reason why they should.)

Then the crows swoops down--
To check out the scene.
As my victim  struggles--
Yet cannot scream.

Awe, Dawn comes quickly--
When one is having such fun.
I'm so sorry my dear one--
I'm afraid I must run.

There's really nothing better--
Then crawling into bed...
After acting wicked and devilish--
And being so grossly fed.


Dark Angels
Pathways to Darkness
SilverHawk's Vampire Louis
Vampires, Fact or Fiction
Living Dead Girl
[email protected]
< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

My heart and soul once use to soar
That which today I use no more.
The emptiness that plagues my soul
Is something that you can't console.

My quick, sharp mind, now possessed
I was disillusioned, now depressed.
It's like my nature's bent on dreaming
Constant pain and endless screaming.

My heart's fire has grown so pale
My life grows weary, weak and stale.
Merciless repentance grips my heart
While heavy thoughts now do impart.

Pensiveness, my friend and treasure
Adorned, of course, by ruined leisure.
Through all my years, since I was small
I dreamed of dreaming - my cure-all.

I stand alone in pensive dreaming
Forever dead and always sreaming.

Dark Beauties
Blood Drinkers
Shadow Zone
The Wicked
The Damned
Sea Beauties
AKA ~ Belovedone
Alias ~ Devilbat
My other Webpages
Living Dead Girl
Under Construction
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