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Jed Madela - The Past Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Forevermore by Jed Madela Very Funny Cats! Scared By Spider! Funny scary pranks part 2 The Worlds Biggest Baby
   This webpage is lovingly dedicate to my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, and to my instructor who gave me guidance and support to finish this project. Most especially to our Almighty God for his blessings to finish successfully this personal webpage. That helps me to become a better programmer.

Friendship Never Ends
by Janine

We were in kindergarten when we became friends
we made a packed we'd be friends till the end
playing on the playground swingin' on the swings
next thing we know we'd be teens

Telling secrets, talking about boys
Growing up, getting rid of all our toys
Talking to each other on the phone
Knowing that we'd never be alone

Your the person I can tell everything
and you wouldn't laugh at me when I tried to sing
I could always be a dork with you
And you could be a dork with me too

And even when we had our fights
Some how we knew everything would be alright
Ya, sure we had our ups and downs
We shared our smiles and our frowns

But no matter what we stayed friends
You were here through the thick and thin
I love you more then words can say
and I wish you never had to go away

Even though you can't be here
I thank God for all the years
that we got to spend together
our friendship I will always Treasure!
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