Trike'n and Bike'n
Building my Trike
Not for the faint of heart !!!
Click here to see my knee operation.
    It all started on a cold November day. I was at a Toys for Tots ride and at the meeting area I saw this cool yellow trike. As it turned out the man with the trike was the owner of the company that builds them.
   The month before my father was having problems with his left leg from a back operation 30 some years ago. He could not shift a bike any more, and was a little shakey holding it up with a rider on the back. The trike seemed to be the perfect answer, it's automatic and doesn't need to be held up when stopped.
    When I priced out the trike it was almost $12,000 more then I had saved up for a new harley. My job was to find a cheaper trike on the Internet. The saga begins.
   I found a bunch of VW based trikes but was told they tend to lift the front end off the ground.  I found a company called Ecstasy Cycles Corp . They had a trike that seats 5 with a roof and it was available in kit form. It only cost $200 more than the Harly I was going to buy. As luck would have it they had a dealer in my home state. I drove to the dealer and took the 5 seater for a ride. I was in love, quick as shit , rides better then a bike with a sidecar and about the price of a bike, but the dealer did not sell kits .
The first one I saw!!
The first one I drove!!
Now I go to Indiana to get the trike kit. My friend Col went with me as navagator
Some of the trikes at the factory
We drove all night and got home in the wee hours and went to sleep. Colleen came over after about 6 hours sleep to help me get the trike off the trailer and into the garage. less than 5 minutes later I was on the ground and col was calling 911. I seemed to have broken something in my leg. When help gets to my house we all think I broke my upper leg bone because there's a large lump sticking out of my leg about 8 inches above my knee!!! OUCH. In the E.R. I find out that it's not a broken leg,  that huge lump above my Knee was my kneecap. It no longer seeems to be connected to my lower leg. Not good !!!
2 months after the surgery and a month into therapy I started riding Dana's Bike with a huge metal leg brace on my right leg and a crutch on the left side of the bike . By the way this setup will get you some strange looks in traffic!!!
I couldn't walk without the brace or crutches, so assembly of the trike was slow.
Here I put the handel bars on .
Now to assemble the motor. For this I got some help from my local machanic. I'm a Ford man and this was a Chevy motor and trans.
Now for the fenders .
No Handle bars, no Dashboard, no brakes ect. ect....
I did pay a little extra to have the windows pre-installed. I don't work well with glass !!
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