Trike'n and Bike'n and sometimes crash'n
A happy Erin, riding on the trike before the parking problem.
This is the only way you can light up a smoke with a Bic at 65 mph on a trike!!!

Step 1 Pull your shirt up over you head

Step 2 Bring lighter and smokes inside your shirt

Step 3 light both cigarettes

Step 4 Bring them out from inside the shirt very carefully

Note If step 4 is done wrong and the young lady drops a lit cigarette inside her shirt, don�t break up laughing !!!  My left arm still hurts from the punch !!!
On the left is Erin�s attempt at parking the trike. I was in the store paying for the gas when the trike came through the wall.

On the right is my view from inside the store, I was not a happy camper.
After prying her hands off the handlebars and getting her to stop shaking, we let her cry for half an hour. She was not hurt at all, except maybe her pride.

On the right she�s holding what was left of my (boat prop), tow hitch cover.
A view from the front, right of the store after we removed the trike.
A few last minute fixes, a few tie wraps, some electrical tape and crossed fingers and we were off riding again.
Here I�m checking to see if Teddy made it through unscathed.
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