You may be wondering what biking has to do with Sci-Fi.

   Well I'll tell ya what happened. I'm sitting at home and a Female friend calls and she asked me if I'd like to ride my motorcycle to northern New Jersey to meet Yvonne Craig with her on Sunday. I said, " Yvonne Who ". She said, " You know, Bat girl, the first TV woman on a motorcycle". Then the light went on in my head, I remembered Batgirl. I ask where and when, then agree to ride my bike up to Northern NJ to keep her company.

   We get there and find out which room batgirl is signing autographs in. Now I'm in a long line bored to death so I'm looking around and see this little old man come strolling by and as he gets closer I realize it's Jonathan Harris (Dr. Smith from Lost in Space). We get our pictures taken with Yvonne and proceed to find Dr. Smith. Well it turns out I found most of the cast from Lost in Space and a bunch of people that were in Sci-Fi shows I watched as a kid. I bought as many Autographed pictures as I could afford and they are all on this web site. We took a lot of pictures of the actors with  me, but 1 set of negs. was lost in the mail, sorry !!. Also the twitt I went with had black & white film in her camera.
Welcome to Joe Hubler's
Lost in Space &
SciFi Triker page !!!
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Zachary Smith played by Jonathan Harris 1965-68
Mr. Harris and I in 1999. He was funny  and sharp as a tack!! We talk for over half an hour on his break. Sadly he passed away on Nov. 3 2002 at 87 of a Blood clot.
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Judy Robinson played by Marta Kristen 1965-68
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Marta and me 1999. She is still a fox !!!
Mark and Jonathan were in the same room on opposite sides signing , they were constantly busting on each other just like in the TV show. When the doors closed at break time they became best buddies. It was funny as hell !!! He's a teacher now.
Maj. Don West played by
Mark Goddard 1965-68
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Penny Robinson played by Angela Cartwright 1965-68
Angela Cartwright 1999 My first crush! in 1966 ( I was 5 )
We went again in 2000. Any excuse to ride!
Here is another shot of Mr. Harris. The scariest thing about this visit was that Jonathan remembered me. Keep in mind there were over 4,000 people at the first convention and he does many conventions during the year. I showed up at this one with shorter hair and no beard or mustache and he still knew me by name !!!
The Lost in space crew
Kung Fu 1972-75 My mom's favorite Show
David signing a pic for mom.
David Carradine & me 2000
Kwai Chang Caine Played by David Carradine
Boomer played by Herbert Jefferson Jr
Herbert and me 2000
Battle Star Galactica 1978-79
I'm so glad I got this autograph. He didn't sign "to Joe" because his hand hurt, I said "no problem".
I don't know if this was the real robot or not, but I looked great.

Sorry no autograph, his batteries were low!
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Alien Nation Tv Show
Susan Francisco Played by Michele Scarabelli
1989-90 for the TV series
1994-97 for the TV movies
George Francisco Played by Eric Pierpoint   1989-97
I had no idea Susan was so pretty, I even remembered her from an episode of STNG, as the sexy woman trying to date Data.

Eric was very talkative and told me that he was just getting over a bad motorcycle accident. ( he saw my helmet )
Buck Rogers In The 25th Century
Colonel Wilma Deering Played by Erin Gray 1979-81
I was a bit to old to get into Buck Rogers, but my brother was a big fan & I'd watch just to see Erin in those outfits!s
"V" the TV Movie & Miniseries
This was one of my mom's favorite shows. The autograph is to her
Steven head of security played by Andrew Prine
Captain Lee Crane Played by David Hedison
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Batgirl, Barbara Gordon Played by  Yvonne Craig
The Incredible Hulk
The Hulk played by
Lou Ferrigno1978-82
Delenn Played by Mira Furlan 1993-99
Babylon 5
Mira Furlan what a cutie!!
Bester Played by Walter Koenig he's a good bad guy
Vir Cotto played by Stephen Furst
I still remember him in animal house
Pavel Chekov
Played by Walter Koenig 1966-69 series
1979-98 movies
This on is also signed to my mom  it's her favorite series and she thought Walter was cute
Star Trek
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