During the Rambo saga , Rambo meets a lot of people who are not always his friend. He sure also has some allies and friends like his commander Trautman and Co Bao.
All his foes and friends will be described here about their history and how they met John Rambo.

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This is Rambo's best friend and his former commander in his days in 'Nam. His name is Samuel Trautman, and is seen in all 3 Rambo movies. He helped Rambo a lot by getting him out of jail in part 2 and he also saved Rambo's ass a lot in 'Nam. Trautman is the only guy that rambo trusts.
"God didn't create Rambo. I created him... "

Colonel Trautman's profile

This king-shit cop is Will Teasle and tries to get Rambo away from the town Hope. Rambo only wants to eat somewhere in Hope , but Teasle doesn't like guys like Rambo and says that there is a restaurant 30 miles away from town. At the end of the ride he drops Rambo at the border of Hope and gives away some annoying comment. Rambo walks back and he then gets arrested for vagrancy and hiding an concealed weapon. In the end of the movie, Rambo is about to confront Teasle. First he blows up the whole town using all kinda stuff he learned in 'Nam. Teasle as scared as he is , is hiding back on the roof of the police department, waiting to get his chance to kill Rambo. Rambo already saw him on the roof and shoots out the lights of the police department so he could enter it safely without being spotted by Teasle. After Rambo got in he manages to pass the window where Teasle was hiding and shoots through the ceiling with an M-60 gun and hits Teasle. Teasle then falls through the window and is defeated.
"I know you can hear me ! You're finished ! you gonna go as far as you gonna get.... Your hear me ?!"

Arthur Galt is a good friend of Will Teasle. After Rambo gets arrested by Teasle, he gets trouble with this guy. Galt and some other guys are about to interrogate John Rambo but he says nothing about himself because he gets flashbacks about his dark days in 'Nam. Galt is pushing him and even gets angry and hits Rambo in the back with a copstick. They keep torturing Rambo until he gets mad and escapes from the police department.
Later on when rambo is being hunted he finds himself hanging on a cliff, and then Galt arrives with helicopter and starts to open fire with an sniper rifle. Rambo drops himself and falls down into the woods and cuts his arm. He soon finds cover and Galt is again shooting at the wounded Rambo. Rambo picks up an stone and throws it at the helicopter. The pilot frightens and ducks and so the helicopter is swinging around and Galt is falling out, down into the cliff. So much for Galt...

"Hey buddy , if ya looking for trouble...you're in the right place"

The National Guardsmen appeared in First Blood to hunt down Rambo. They almost intercepted Rambo when a little boy discovered him in the woods. They chased him until Rambo hides himself in a old mine. They trapped him there by shooting at him, Rambo also fires back and all Guardsmen got scared and stopped firing. Then the leader of the National Guardsmen , Clinton Morgan , gives command to blow up the mine including Rambo. Their attack fails and Rambo escaped by running away into the mine.
"Alright....Rambo ! This is lieutenant Clinton Morgan , National Guard leader and i am giving you just 3 zero seconds to come out !"

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