Welcome to Rambo Legends !

21th, November 2001 - Lot of updates around here, isn't ? Perhaps you have seen it at the intro page at Rambo Legends......the new design is done !

| Click on image to enter the new website of Rambo Legends |

I have finished most important, basic sections like : Contact, links, guestbook, messageboard, etc. The navigation bar works........but only two sections are available : Story & Biography ! Rest will be completed in time with the updates I will make in future.

I am glad to see a new layout of Rambo Legends which contains so much more than this one. The programs I used offers so many new cool options for Rambo Legends. All sections will have nice features and more interactivity can be added aswell.
Finally, I can make Rambo Legends the way I wanted it from start.....so I guess dreams come true after all. Just a matter of patience, studying webdesign books, following tutorials and hard working. There's still a lot of work to do for the new Rambo Legends, like the picture galleries which will get a make-over.

I am not sure what will happen to the Rambo Legends where we are now at the moment. Geocities isn't such a good webspace provider at all since it constantly gives me errors when I visit Rambo Legends. It started to say something like "Your webpage has exceeded it's allocated Data transfer".
Although I am not sure what it means, I think it has to do with the amount of visitors I get. So I will move the whole Rambo Legends to it's new home......and a big piece of the picture archive will be hosted there aswell. I will use my geocities server for as extra storage room for the picture galleries. Perhaps in future, some picture galleries will be gone here. But don't worry, I will stash the picture galleries at it's new home. We still have a long road to go, people......but stop by at Rambo Legends whenever you're tired.

19th, November 2001 - I just scanned-in the drawing picture I made for the layout of Rambo Legends that I drew at saturday morning. I thought it would be cool to post it up here. There are 2 versions though, one is 306 kb and I have made a smaller image of 160 kb.
I suggest people with slower modems than Cable/Adsl take the 160 kb to view.
Layout picture of new Rambo Legends | 306 KB
Layout picture of new Rambo Legends | 160 KB
Don't be frightened at start, cos the actual site looks much better ! :)
This drawing is just a quick sketch.

The website itself is nearly done and will be launched this week.

19th, November 2001 - Just some quick news before I have to go to college.....( yes, life's hard ). I have been working on a completely new layout for Rambo Legends this weekend and it turned out good... Really good ! I first designed a layout on paper....to let loose some inspiration and creativity I had that saturday morning. Then I started to design it on PC in evening. It contains a lot of Flash 5.0 stuff and I used Dreamweaver to put it all in place ! No more notepad to design websites, this time we go straight for the cool stuff. However, I could only complete 2 sections in the new Rambo Legends which are "Biography" and "Story". But I am just too excited to finish it all, so I will launch it this week and in time I will complete the other sections. Most important thing to me is that I finally found a way to make a decent and nice layout for Rambo Legends which I always wanted it to have.

I guess it was worth buying all those webdesign books and reading tutorials on the net, because it's just too much fun working on a website, especially Rambo Legends.
So stay sharp this week because the new Rambo Legends will be posted around these days........

16th, November 2001 - A lot of new rumours are spreaded around the net about Rambo IV. Lately, it became more confirmed that Stallone was working on a script and wanted to do a Rambo IV so we probably see a Rambo IV in cinema in future. A lot of newspapers, websites and other resources publiced that Rambo would come back for one more time. Check out some sites listed below with Rambo IV news.
Rambo IV
Rambo IV
Rambo IV
It's still bit unclear what the story is about but future will tell us more soon !

Beside this good news, I also want you to know that Stallone World is back up and it's better then ever with more updates. It's been up now again for awhile, check it out at Stallone World

Also, check out Leigh M Games who is going to make little Rocky & Rambo games in future.

2nd, October 2001 - First, I had some troubles with webspace lately but it's solved now. I've put all pictures galleries of First Blood and Rambo III on my new account. I opened the picture galleries from internet but it went kinda slow. I guess f2s is not such a fast webspace provider at all. My apologies for the long download time you might experience while checking out the picture galleries of First Blood & Rambo III.

Second, the MOVIE TRAILERS are back up and this time they can be downloaded. Be sure to download FlashGet or GetRight for faster and easier download. Because, again like some of the picture galleries, these movie trailers are uploaded to my f2s account ( which is not the fastest ). Off course, you can try to right-click and press "save" but I already tried that and I didn't even got the chance to "save" them to my disk.
The soundclips are also uploaded to f2s so this is same story as above. But I probably upload those back to geocities because I have enough space left now.

Ps. I would choose FlashGet as download-manager because that one is for free, it's fast and easy to use.
And uhmmm......Rambo would take that one too. ^_^

"Rambo Legends" was created on 29th september 2000 by Rogier van Lokven. Pages and self-written text on this site are © 2000-2001 by Rogier van Lokven
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