<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/john_ross_nyc/Run%20DMC%20-%20Down%20with%20the%20King.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
It's here!!!!

After months of mouth-watering anticipation, it's finally arrived. No, not Doselle's chili recipe--Monarchy #1!

This new comic, coming to us "From the Pages of The Authority", finally hit the stands on February 14.  All the more reason for me to be in a good mood when I went out to eat with Sue for Valentine's!

It details the adventures of former Stormwatch leader
Jackson King (Batallion, Weatherman), and his new team, which consists of his wife, fellow ex-Stormwatcher Christine Trelane (formerly Synergy), the mysterious and sexy Professor Q, the recently re-animated Union, super-powerful Jon Farmer, and the as-yet-unseen Condition Red and Metropolitan.

After the events of
The Authority #21, Jackson and Christine apparently have received major power upgrades, and they have gathered a team for a purpose we can only guess at.  All we know for sure is the interesting analogy that where the Authority smashes the world's problem's with a hammer, the Monarchy will be performing their brand of surgery with a scalpel.

If the first issue is any indication, you'd better be paying attention when your read, kids.  Lots of new ideas being introduced, and old ones being re-introduced with a new twist.

I'm not going to give too much away, but be prepared for a mind-blowing ride from the very first page!  And look carefully, too!

The Monarchy #1
ByDoselle Young, John McCrea, and Garry Leach.
On sale now for $2.50.
All images and characters TM & Copyright 2001 WildStorm productions, an imprint of DC Comics.
Click on this image for a fantastic full-sized version!
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