Howdy guys 'n' gals!  Welcome to the Yummy-Yums page.  All of John's favorite yummy treats can be found on this page.  I'll serve as your host and tour guide.  Any questions, just shout em out. Yeeeee-haaaaaaaa!
Here we have  Doria. How many of you remember her?  She was the first co-host of Night Calls.  Many of you are probably wondering where she's gone to.....well wonder no more!  She lives with John.
Anna Marie Goddard. Mamma mia!  Tell me she doen't make you wish you were that dress.....
Julie K. Smith.  A fantastic body, with attitude to spare....
Tylyn John. This former playmate and current actress loves to work out and dress up, according to her press agent, who was contacted by this website.
Here is the famous Shae Marks. You've all heard by now the fish story.......well here's a few shots you may not have heard about.

Oh, and by the way, they're real.
Honest Abe says:  These girls are hot.  Honestly.
More Yummy-Yums await....
John's Home page is this way...
---------Wait till see what's down HERE!
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