"Countdown To Disaster"

"Countdown To Disaster" Convention

Thunderbirds On Display

Welcome to my report on Fanderson's "Countdown To Disaster" convention held over the weekend of Sept. 24 and 25, 2005. It was great fun all around and I met some very cool Thunderbirds fans. There was a nice mix of all sorts of Andersons-style mania, including exhibits featuring aspects of the live action series "UFO," "Space: 1999" and "Space Precinct," with many costumes and props from the latter, in particular.

The invited guests were wonderful folks indeed! In addition to two of our favorite voice actors from the original "Thunderbirds" cast, David Graham and Matt Zimmerman, there were our modern day flesh and blood heroic Tracy brothers, Lex Shrapnel and Dominic Colenso, as well as the super-energetic Zienia Merton ("Space: 1999"), the voice cast of the "New Captain Scarlet" series, director Alan Perry, Gito Santana and Jane Merrow ("UFO"), artist Mike Noble and Gerry Anderson. My friends and I also had a blast talking with the great Graham Bleathman and his lovely wife Katie, as well as a couple of very talented folks who brought along their Virgil Tracy and Parker marionettes for all to see.

My favorite moments:

Matt Zimmerman and David Graham were featured in a panel discussion which was great fun! Matt, in particular, is a wonderful storyteller and a real cut-up; he had everyone laughing for the entire time. I had a chance to meet him after the panel ended and he was kind enough to sign a promotional photo of Alan Tracy from "The Atlantic Inferno," which he thought was really cool. What a grand gentleman! David treated us to some voice work of both Brains and Parker, which was fun as well. (How come no one ever asks him to perform Gordon Tracy's voice)...? They both had a laugh reminiscing about Ray Barrett performing the voice of the Duchess of Royston in "The Duchess Assignment," with each of them trying to imitate him! Too funny! The sad thing was that the panel was planned at the same time that Gerry Anderson was signing autographs down the hall, so many people got up to leave on these two great voice actors. As soon as the announcement was made, Matt jumped up and said, "Bye, folks!" as he watched people jump up to run out to the hallway! Those of us who stayed really enjoyed the antics of these two fine actors and were grateful for their appearance at the day's events.

Melvin Jarvis brought his FABulous FAB 1 to the convention! He'd driven it all the way from Leicester, which was no easy feat. The car is gorgeous and there were steady streams of people running outside to have their photos taken in front of it, including David Graham and Gerry Anderson! He left the way he'd planned to bring her: on a carrier truck! Can you imagine the look on people's faces seeing Lady P's car being carried up the motorway?! It must have appeared that Her Ladyship was having a spot of trouble! Where's Parker when you need him?

My favorite of all panels featured Lex Shrapnel and Dominic Colenso who played John and Virgil Tracy in last year's "Thunderbirds" film. These young men could not have been more gracious or friendly, and it was really wonderful that a number of loyal fans came in to greet them and to cheer loudly for them. The guys headed a spirited 45 minute panel during which some interesting stories emerged:

***The guys verified that it was indeed Bill Paxton bidding like a madman on that vintage John Tracy head which was auctioned in May 2003 by Christie's for a staggering �37,500! Apparently he was doing this via cel phone (and his driver!) while shooting the sequence in which the Tracys are seen floating lifelessly aboard TB5! He put in a high bid of �35,000, at which point his fellow cast members said, "His wife is going to kill him!" He eventually lost out to a bid of �37,600, at which he let out a big sigh of relief! (The story of the auction is still available under the news section of this site): "Christie's Auction, May 2003"

***Lex and Dominic confirmed for me that there were a number of scenes featuring them which landed on the cutting room floor, one of the most pivotal being the sequence in which Virgil should have been seen piloting TB2 to the rescue of the trapped oil rig workers, at which point he traded off with Jeff and Gordon as he headed for the rescue platform. Lex said that he'd also filmed more of John being injured (and rising to return to the communications deck) aboard TB5, which was also edited out of the film. Additionally, he discussed his concerns about shooting the scene in which the console blew up in his face---no stunt double there and he got it in a single take! (He's a brave one, that fellow, just like our John)!

***Both gentlemen agreed that the script for the second proposed film was "brilliant" and followed the series far more closely, but they also verified that the project is dead at this point in time. They said they'd be happy to reprise their roles if the situation changed and told us that they all remain close even two years after filming the movie (just as Tracy brothers should be)!

I had a blast speaking with both Lex and Dom after the panel ended. They were exceedingly kind and patient with the long line of fans who had gathered to greet them, taking lots of time with each of us. I was very pleased when Lex chimed in with me when I mentioned something about John having been the third son out of the five (not the rot the fan club has been shelling out as of late). He spoke right up and said, "That's right--he certainly was!" I turned to my sis and said, "See, he knows!" and told him how proud I was of him for that! We also talked about all of the uncanny similarities between himself and John and we agreed that he was obviously fated to play the character. (And he did it so well)! Lex beamed with pride when my sister told him that I was the "world's biggest John Tracy fan," a fact which was pretty evident as I held my John dollie in my arms in front of him! He genuinely liked the doll and asked me about how I'd created it, playing with the little porcelain hands as he did. In fact, if there were any question about how much loved John Tracy is, it was answered as I walked around the convention with the doll in my arms. I was followed by cooing and ooing and pleasant gasps from delighted fans all over the place and many compliments on him all around. (He was even kidnapped for a while by one of the hotel managers)! Our poor John might have been unfairly abandoned to space during the bulk of the series, but he definitely holds a place in many a kind person's heart!

Most sincere thanks to Dominic and Lex for making Sunday's festivities such a fantastic event! I certainly hope that this experience communicated to them that there are some very appreciative fans out there, many of whom will never get a chance to let them know the positive side of having appeared in the film. They are very much loved and are heroes to a great many kids who only know this version of "Thunderbirds." Bravo, boys!

Sadly, there were several faces we'd hoped to see at this event who couldn't appear. Philip Winchester, one of the first to confirm, was unable to attend, so we'll have to wait to see him in his next film, "Flyboys," which also will feature Lex Shrapnel. Keith Wilson was also to appear but was unable to make it. And we were all saddened by the news that voice artist Shane Rimmer (Scott Tracy) had recently suffered a heart attack and had been hospitalized. Those of us in attendance signed "get well" cards to be delivered to him and certainly wish him a speedy recovery!

F.A.B.!------written by Daria

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