FAQ: Desperate Intruder

Desperate Intruder

In this episode, The Hood unknowingly plans an attack involving his niece Tin-Tin again, as he did in "Trapped In The Sky," with Kyrano unwittingly aiding him.

His ever-changing moods: Jeff seems happy to send Brains and Tin-Tin off on a holiday with Thunderbird 2 called on to fly them to the desert. Once they get into trouble, he decides that the trip amounts to "joy riding around on treasure trails" and orders them to come home.

As Brains isn't wearing his glasses while diving, viewers are left to assume:

1) he's wearing contact lens
2) his visor is prescription-strength
3) He's got an endorsement deal with Oakley
4) his eyesight has miraculously improved due to the heat!
Scott Tracy was named for astronaut Scott Carpenter.

From the "Curiouser And Curiouser" file: Jeff has a full intercom system wired into his desk but is forever ordering some nearby poor unfortunate to go about the house to find someone else he's in need of!

Pilot Virgil Tracy was named for astronaut Virgil "Gus" Grissom who was unfortunately killed in a NASA accident during the practice run for an Apollo mission.

In answer to an often asked question, yes, despite all of the varying hair colors, the Tracy boys all have the same parents!

Virgil appears to take off in Thunderbird 2 alone...yet Gordon turns up with him at the rescue site. The same happens with John in "Danger At Ocean Deep."

Equipment added to Thunderbird 5 enabled languages to be easily converted to English to aid John or Alan in quickly assessing dangerous situations.

The Indonesian statue from The Hood's temple turns up in psychiatrist Dr. Korda's office!

In the series, Scott Tracy is 30 years of age, Virgil is 27, John is 25, Gordon is 23 and Alan becomes 21 on his birthday in "Attack Of The Alligators!"

Strange: The Hood seems surprised to see Thunderbirds 1 and 2 arrive to save Brains and Tin-Tin. What did he think would happen if the team members didn't report in...?

In today's semi-romantic entanglement: Virgil gets to hold Tin-Tin's hand tenderly as he revives her from The Hood's trance. Good job that Alan is up in Thunderbird 5!

Dr. Korda shares his name with the famous producer Alexander Korda, whose adventure films were a major influence on Gerry Anderson's work. He was married to actress Merle Oberon, a beauty with features similar to...Tin-Tin!

Even stranger still: Even though they are aware that someone is spying on them and has taken pictures of the Thunderbird crafts, the team turns out the lights to go to sleep!

Tin-Tin is an experienced pilot who loves to participate in International Rescue missions. She also loves to fly to mainland Japan or to San Francisco for shopping sprees.

Among Alan's other interests are fishing, music, archaeology, swimming and climbing the many rocky peaks around Tracy Island.

Brains and The Hood dive about in the lake at the dead of night...with no lighting equipment...riiiiiight!

Still even stranger: Why would The Hood blow up so much of the temple when he still hadn't managed to recover the treasure?

He-men Scott and Virgil, being the elder sons, are seen to have grown after-fives during all-night rescue sessions. Gordon manages to develop a light case of peach-fuzz during the events of "Terror In New York City." Though John is awakened and jolted out of bed in a later episode, he never needs a shave.

FAQ pg 16

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