FAQ: Security Hazard

Security Hazard

Due to the amount of time it took to film "Attack Of The Alligators" and "The Cham Cham," this episode was suggested because it mainly makes use of footage from four earlier episodes. Because those shows were originally shot as half-hour episodes, it was easy to edit them to retell the tales by merely adding a few new sequences as framework.

John Tracy is neither seen nor heard in "Security Hazard," but he does rate a mention by big brother Scott.

Christine Finn and Sylvia Anderson performed the voices of all of the children in the "Thunderbird" series. Interesting that all of the kids involved in the stories were boys!

Not long after the completion of Thunderbird 5, John began a project with growing food in artificial soil onboard the satellite. This allows him to have a continuous source of fresh vegetables and herbs while in space.

As was customary for the time, the ships with rockets were lined with Asbestos to avoid them catching fire.

As Alan could surely tell you, Tin-Tin's name is a Malaysian word for "sweet."

Some of the rocket launch sounds were recorded at a military airfield near the studio.

The Hood looks bigger and decidedly menacing compared to the other characters in "Thunderbirds" because he...is! His head and hands were made to be bigger than the standard sizes used for the other males.

Painted vacuum cleaner hoses and HO scale model train tracks can be seen as set decoration in the hangar bays of the Thunderbird crafts.

Alan Tracy has no fear of heights or speed, but it's apparent from his remarks about not sharing his life with his lady love that he's afraid of commitment!

To get an aerial perspective in some scenes, the sets were placed on the floor of the studio and shot from high above on a platform.

The Thunderbirds production unit was divided in two to allow for simultaneous shooting of footage for the program, much like what is done with second unit work all over the film industry.

A statuette from Wilbur Dandridge's Gazelle Automations is seen on the ledge behind Chip's bed.

A "rolling sky" was developed to allow for lengthy scenes of the ships flying to their destinations.

The first character to utter the code phrase "F.A.B." in the series was Lady Penelope in "Trapped In The Sky."

As with so many other aspects of life, men and women tend to focus on different aspects of "Thunderbirds." Men tend to love the equipment and the big explosions, but while women may enjoy those elements, they also focus heavily on the personal relationships between the characters.

Gordon must be a rock n' roller: he's quite often seen in blue suede shoes.

The scene in which Virgil backs Thunderbird 2 into the hangar is relatively rare in this series, as is the fact that there is no background music being played at the time.

Jeff has a fit about Chip being a security risk and having seen the Tracys' faces, even though he has already invited the Williams brothers to the island and shown them everything on the base.

"Security Hazard" is a great showcase for the bravery and ingenuity of the Tracy brothers. It gives these heroes a chance to be applauded for the risks they have taken and lives they have saved, and in the process it reminds the viewers that they are suitably proud of their accomplishments.

Scott's hobbies are reading, all types of sports and games, and playing guitar. When he's able to, he loves to travel, getting a chance to enjoy some of the places where rescue calls have taken him.

John's head was the first of the brothers to be sculpted and there's a noticeable difference because of that: unlike all of the other marionettes, his eyes do not have obvious, heavy underlids. (They are just barely visible from the right angle and lighting).

When Scott goes into a Jeff-like rant, he takes on the persona of "Dad Lite!"

The vision of Alan, Gordon, Scott and Virgil sneaking a peek at their dad through the room divider gives viewers an idea of what they might have been like as children. (Note the hands on each others' shoulders in brotherly fashion).

The globe in Chip's room is upside down, with the southern tip of Africa pointing north...! It's a funny ol' world...

The only pet ever seen on Tracy Island is the pygmie alligator which Tin-Tin gives to Alan. There were pets featured in previous shows that the Anderson's produced, including Mitch The Monkey from "Stingray."

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