FAQ: Path Of Destruction

Path Of Destruction

In a clear case of "science gone too far," the Crablogger---a super-scary tree chopper on a computerized preprogrammed path for road-clearing---goes running amok because of the crew's multiple cases of food poisoning. Montezuma's Revenge is alive and well!

The Crablogger defoliates all right, but strangely enough...tree stumps are seen all along its path...but to either side of the machine!

This episode teaches a very important lesson: Always inspect the kitchen before ordering the "special!" (It may not be so special after all)!

In another case of predating popular notions, this story points to concerns about the defoliation of the rain forests of South America long before this became a commonly discussed subject matter.

By now, viewers should have noticed that practically every piece of engineering in "Thunderbirds" has an atomic reactor!

The key shots for the launches of the Thunderbirds machines were only filmed once or twice and then reused throughout the series. The editors said they got tired of seeing the same shots over and over, but they later realized that the fans considered the launch sequences to be an essential part of any episode.

The call to International Rescue in this episode was a case of Ray Barrett talking to...Ray Barrett, as he voiced both John Tracy and Jensen.

Jeff makes Tin-Tin get up to call the guys instead of using the intercom, just as Scott gets Brains to run about to "call the boys" in "Atlantic Inferno." Why wire the house when every time someone's needed...it involves a walk?

Lady Penelope, for all of her "cool" and cleverness, seems a bit more calculating delivering a line like "Business or pleasure?" to Jeff!

In lieu of her compact and her tea pot, Penny can always rely on reaching Jeff through her trusty...candelabra...!

It's hard to decide what's scarier: the meal served up at the restaurant and the kitchen it came from, or Brains' test pattern-like sweater!

As Thunderbird 2 tilts to launch, a flap automatically opens up behind it to catch the afterburn of the engines. This is so not to have the burn visible from the air which would be a tip-off of a large IR-type aircraft having used the runway. And, of course, they also do this to protect ruining the runway.

Presumably, it's Brains who invented the gun Parker uses which shoots a beam that hypnotizes in the same manner that The Hood's eyes do. However, this is again a one-use device which is not seen again.

We see each pod used at some point during the series, but Pod 3's components change dramatically between usage. This is mainly because it's stock footage being used for the loading sequence. On several occasions, the pod that's dropped at the rescue site has a different number than what was loaded in the pod bay!

One of the biggest mysteries seen during the course of the series is how the boys manage to keep those hats on in the most hazardous and inclement conditions. And why does John bother wearing his when the only one who ever sees him is Jeff...?

Jensen is seen wearing the exact same blue safari-like outfit that Brains wears in "Desperate Intruder."

Those al fresco table and chair sets from the Cafe Atalante in Paris make another appearance outside the home of Jim Lucas...(they sure get around)!

The Andersons and company knew early on that a large part of their audience were adult viewers; the show was a favorite with families. Bits like Jim Lucas making a pass at Lady Penelope just as she's sending him off to sleep or his being silly enough to mention "that girl in the bedroom" to his wife constitute a clever nod and a wink to the young-at-heart.

Need For Speed: The runaway Crablogger has far too much of a lead on Scott for him to be able to catch up to it in the Superon tank in two minutes flat...but it's International Rescue, so viewers expect results!

In a show of the attention to detail, the "live" version of Virgil's hands look as if they've indeed been doing laser carving and a lot of dirty work.

As Jim Lucas reads the World News, a few other stories pop out at the viewer: "Boy Charged With Murder" and "Jet Lands Minus One Wheel."

Mrs. Lucas is seen wearing the same violet dressing gown previously seen on Lady Penelope.

Penny's pink mobile phone predates the common usage of such things today, as does her micro-recorder. Suitably so, there is currently a face plate available for cel phones featuring...Lady Penelope and Parker!

Oops: Neither Virgil nor Brains disconnected the hoses used to pump the Superon fuel into the tanker Scott is driving, so theoretically, it should have been pulled down into the ravine with the Crablogger.

FAQ pg 27

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