FAQ: The Perils Of Penelope

The Perils Of Penelope

Every so often, viewers of "Thunderbirds" get a chance to see the raging hormones side of the Tracy brothers' lives---albeit subtly, of course. In the film "Thunderbirds Are Go," it's Alan's romantic side which drives the subplot, and he also makes his feelings known about a certain English heiress in this episode. Keep an eye out for some "come hither" glances between Penelope and yet another member of International Rescue...!

"Open this door at once---we're BRITISH!" is one of the true classic lines of the entire series! Perfect form, what?

Note that the mono-train cars match the design Warren Grafton was trying to sell Jeff on in "Brink Of Disaster," with the exception that the European version has attendants...crooked as they may be.

The center driver's seat, gull wing roof and a myriad of other innovative designs led Rolls Royce to give its stamp of approval to FAB 1.

Cliff Richard, the singing star of "Thunderbirds Are Go," was seen by millions of fans in the UK and overseas onstage at the Queen's Golden Jubilee Celebration Concert in February of 2003.

David Holliday---the voice of Virgil Tracy in the first 26 episodes of the series---was the only American actor in the cast. He recommended Canadian actor Matt Zimmerman for the role of Alan Tracy. They were both stars of the musical stage.

The old switcheroo: The engine on the first car of the Anderbad-Express keeps changing colors: sometimes it's red, black and white, then in other shots it's the blue and silver lead car from "Brink Of Disaster."

Gordon Tracy's favorite pastimes are water-skiiing, speedboat racing, fishing, scuba diving, swimming, playing guitar...oh...anything to relax!

Thunderbird 3 travels at over 25,000 mph as it accelerates to escape Earth's atmosphere.

Gordon Tracy once studied deep sea aquiculture when he commanded a bathyscaphe. He spent a year beneath the waves researching methods of marine farming and studying sea life.

Gordon is seen playing guitar during the series, while Scott is shown playing in promotional photos. Both Alan and Virgil are seen at the piano.

John does not appear in this episode as Penny has already made a report of the problem to Jeff. (Why go through the kid when you have a direct line to the head man)!

Despite Jeff's initial lecture about the boys using their uniforms while aboard the IR ships and his intermittent tirades about always needing them to be available at a moment's notice, he allows Scott to go on vacation...in Thunderbird 1, no less. Riiiiight....

The center seat in the back of FAB 1 has pull-down armrests with handcuffs and a pull-out chest band...for the discerning captured criminal.

Since Scott is at home during this rescue sequence, Virgil is given a rare chance to direct a mission onsite; his only other chance in that role is in "The Atlantic Inferno."

The title is, of course, a tip of the hat to the popular silent film series starring Pearl White, "The Perils Of Pauline."

Ash blonde John Tracy was the only one of the brothers to change hairstyles during the series. Eventually the boyish quiff he sports in the early stories is brushed flat.

The doors on FAB 1 fold down and under the car; nice advantage to have when you're dressed like Marie Antoinette! (All will be revealed)...!

Voice actors David Graham and Ray Barrett worked together on the Anderson series just prior to "Thunderbirds"---the submarine tale, "Stingray."

"Mosey" and "reckon" are Americanisms that the writers assumed would be common to the Tracy family. Such terms are heard quite often during the course of the series.

Gordon Tracy is the "Chatty Cathy" of the Tracy brothers, voted "Most Likely To Get His Head Smacked" by his older brothers! Alan was voted "Most Likely To Be Locked In The Closet Until Dad Gets Home"...15 years running!

By the end of the series and the movies, everyone gets a vacation...except for John! (This message courtesy of the John Tracy Liberation Front)!

The pink perfection Rolls Royce, FAB 1, was actually primarily constructed of...plywood!

Scott Tracy studied at both Yale and Oxford University prior to his service in the US Air Force.

A hydraulic jack beneath the platform moved the sofa in the main lounge down through the floor and on its way to Thunderbird 3.

Each of the wheels on FAB 1 has a tire-slasher on a rod which can be extended from the hub. Look out, James Bond!

Thunderbird 2's maximum speed is 5000 mph. Allowing for wind resistance, it can travel from Tracy Island to London in roughly 2-1/2 hours.

FAQ: Brink Of Disaster

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