FAQ: The Uninvited

The Uninvited

This episode showcases the risks that the Tracy brothers face during their rescue efforts and the impact on the family unit when they are injured or missing.

As previously seen, shift rotation for the orbiting Thunderbird 5 takes place, with Alan due to cover for John for one month's time. As he's not yet allowed to pilot Thunderbird 3 alone, he must wait for Scott to be well enough to accompany him on the flight.

Oops: A glitch in the script implies that Scott does a "spell of satellite duty," but only John and Alan actually serve as Space Monitors. (Note: Jeff had already told Scott to take Alan up to TB5 upon his return from Tokyo at the very beginning of the episode).

Brains, Scott and Gordon aid in equipment updates aboard Thunderbird 5 whenever needed.

The Zombite attackers' "Z" symbol worn on their helmets is shown backwards on the walls of their base, the silly things!

Bob Bell was the artist responsible for creating the convincing interior designs for the various Thunderbird ships and many other sets.

Strangely, the explorers recognize the markings of Thunderbird 1 immediately, even though the organization has always insisted that no photos be taken and published of the rescue vehicles.

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson once allowed Tom Jones, a big Thunderbirds fan, to stay at their villa in Albufeira, Portugal, while he recovered from surgery on his nose. The villa was a few doors down from one owned by Cliff Richard's manager, hence their later connection.

Tin-Tin is seen wearing the same rescue outfit she dons in "Sunprobe," and Brains is dressed as he's seen in the episode, "Desperate Intruder."

During and after the Thunderbirds heyday of the mid-60s, Sylvia Anderson often found herself in the position of being asked by the likes of some of Britain's biggest stars for autographs and to relate tales about her adventures. They all wanted to get to know the "real" Lady Penelope, just like everyone else!

This episode features one of IR's few desert adventure. They also visit the Sahara in "Desperate Intruder" and several of their members travel across it in "Thunderbird 6."

"The Uninvited" marks the first appearance of Grandma Tracy in the familiar run order, hence a flurry of pie baking begins!

This episode features one of the few times in the series when the resident blondes, Alan and John, are seen together on the communications deck aboard Thunderbird 5; this will also be seen in such episodes as "The Mighty Atom" and "The Cham Cham." Often, one stays at the TB3 controls while the other joins him there. (But Alan can't wait to get home and usually runs from the auto exit of TB5 to freedom)!

Alan's clothing mysteriously changes from his brown suit to a casual blue shirt and slacks prior to entering the lift in Thunderbird 3. (Stock footage will get you every time)!

Toothpaste tube caps can be seen used as knobs on the audio board in Thunderbird 5.

Alan is usually substituted for John in scripts where there will be repeated interaction with Thunderbird 5, such as in this episode and "Operation: Crashdive." Once John trades shifts with Alan, he often disappears inside Tracy Villa.

Prior to the start of production on the series, the key vehicles merely had rescue designations assigned to them: Rescue 1 through Rescue 5.

This episode features the only close up view of the boarding tube control center on Thunderbird 5, though John and Alan are shown arriving and departing via the tube in several episodes.

Virgil is seen reading the same issue of "Kine" magazine that his father was seen reading in other episodes. (These guys need more magazine subscriptions)!

Mail arrives weekly on Tracy Island via a mail drop from a contracted air mail delivery service.

Scott returns from space wearing his blue casual outfit, even though he wore a yellow suit when leaving home (the fault of that stock footage again)!

The scout ship Thunderbird 1, the transport vehicle Thunderbird 2, the submarine Thunderbird 4 and FAB 1 are all attacked during the series. Thunderbirds 3 and 5 are later attacked in the comics!

Though IR agents are supposed to maintain extreme secrecy about the organization at all times, most of those they rescue seem to learn their full names before the episode's end!

Apparently, only the US president and key administrative heads, the president of the World Government and a few key British officials know the identity of International Rescue's core members.

This episode marks Gordon's first seen rescue trip per the standard order of episodes. Though he's primarily an aquanaut, he proves himself quite useful on a variety of missions.

Though all the Tracy boys are good swimmers, John is an expert at skin diving and Gordon is well-versed as a scuba diver, as well as having been an Olympic gold medalist on the US Swim Team in his teens. John was, instead, a medal-winning track star in high school but attributes his success to mental prowess instead of brawn.

The conveyor car seen inside the pyramid of the Zombite's pyramid is later seen operating inside the hangar of Thunderbird 3.

This episode features one of the few times passengers are seen aboard Thunderbird 1; the Williams brothers ("Cry Wolf") also get a ride aboard the scout ship.

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