FAQ: The Vault Of Death

The Vault Of Death

A real human face can be seen when Penny peeks into the security hole in the door of the bank. This is the only time a real face (probably that of Sylvia Anderson) appears in the series.

Puppeteers watched their performances via a close-circuit TV monitor which projected the image being filmed from the viewfinder mounted on the camera. This, among several other pioneering innovations created by the people of AP Films, was adopted as standard procedure throughout the film and television industry.

Lady Penelope has many friends in high places, as befits her station as a member of the peerage. Among them are Lord Sefton and Sir Jeremy Hodge, later seen in "The Perils Of Penelope."

Sir Hodge was instrumental in obtaining permits and materials for International Rescue, making him a very trusted confidant of Jeff Tracy.

Grandma Tracy proves her assets to the team in many ways, not the least of which is historical trivia. Then there's that penchant she has for match-making at which she's no slouch either!

It would seem that despite Jeff's approval of Brains' Oxyhydnite gas as a means of entry through metal barriers as seen in "City Of Fire," Virgil and Alan revert to using their laser pistols in this similar situation. However, during the initial run, the two episodes appeared in opposite order!

The film "Thunderbirds Are Go" was not officially released in the US until 30 years after its British premiere; MGM/UA issued it on video. It has, however, had arthouse and Saturday matinee screenings in some cities.

Lady Penelope rarely sends messages to Jeff through Thunderbird 5; she normally uses her makeup compact, teapot or FAB 1's radio.

Parker's former "professions" include safecracking, burglary, car theft and a stint in the entertainment industry.

Lady Penelope met Parker through her contacts within the underworld. At times, she needs Parker and his knowledge of the shadier side of life to be of aid to the Tracys.

This is the only episode in which we see Lil, usually referred to as "Cook," in her kitchen. Parker makes plans to make some time with her in the episode "The Impostors." Lil and Parker are the only members of Lady Penelope's household staff seen during the series.

Virgil Tracy's head was modeled on the same design which created his younger brother Alan's head; it's the artistry of the individual sculptors which made them look distinctive.

Creighton-Ward Manor and its 2000 acre estate is Lady Penelope's ancestral home in Foxleyheath, Kent, in the south of England.

Derek Meddings, Supervising Special Effects Director on "Thunderbirds" wrote a book about his experiences working on the Anderson series, called "21st Century Visions."

Both of Lady Penelope's vehicles---the Rolls Royce FAB 1 and her yacht, FAB 2---have been outfitted by technology created for International Rescue.

The main characters from "Thunderbirds" have appeared in numerous television ads, including commercials for Lyon's Maid ice lollies and Kit Kat chocolate bars.

Shane Rimmer, who voiced Scott Tracy, later appeared in the pilot for the Gerry Anderson series "Space Police," eventually renamed and sold as "Space Precinct."

FAB 1 is completely bullet-proof---essential for a spy---and, at a maximum of 200 miles per hour, is capable of outrunning any pursuer.

Alan and Virgil do the best "intense" faces of any of the brothers. Virgil's demeanor comes from his rugged determination and concern during the rescues, whereas Alan is usually just being the bratty baby brother!

Though more often referred to as "Nosey" Parker, Lady Penelope's trusted butler's first name is...Aloysius.

The popularity of monorail systems in the 21st Century is a recurring theme throughout the series; though not actually seen in this episode, they are responsible for the end of the subways of New York and London.

Other monorail related episodes are "Brink Of Disaster" and "The Perils Of Penelope."

Fanderson, the fan club for devotees of the Anderson shows, holds an annual convention in England where fans can get "up close and personal" with former cast members, equipment, puppeteers and some of the marionette stars from the various series.

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