Thunderbirds: The Bedroom!

It's Tracy Villa...East!

This is a set of photos showing what's shaping up to be a total Thunderbirds bedroom. The Tracy boys would feel right at home here with their portraits all ready to light up! Just kidding---they don't! (see photos below)

Above the portraits are their Hamilton Collection plates and below the portraits are the corresponding Bandai dolls from 1992. The movie banners haven't gone up yet, but the larger dolls (John, Scott and Virgil), some of the replica ships and even the Thunderbirds official trash bin have found a home here. The talking TB5, TB1 and TB2 are there, as well as a shelf full of Thunderbirds books, comics, albums and postcards, the ViewMaster set and a talking TB2 alarm clock. I've added one of the live-action film's theater mobiles which hangs near by, as well as a copy of my car's plate which reminds other motorists that Thunderbirds Are Go!

Taking center stage is one of the Thunderbird 3 cockpit seats from the 2004 film,
as well as an emergency battery pack from Thunderbird 5...!

Come for a visit and blast off to the rescue!

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