Jake McCall Dot com



Aloha! My name is Jake Thomas Paul McCall and I am a 21 year old male living in Canberra Australia. I'm currently studying mathematics at the Australian national university. On this page I'll share some of my interests with you, and hopefully you can share some of your interests with me :)

(He looks kinda mad but that's just his face)


"Have you heard of the arctic monkey?"

Music is a lot of fun, and there's so much of it to discover! Here are some of the albums I enjoy (arranged by genre). I hope you find something you enjoy in here. If you have an album you think I would enjoy I'd love to hear from you.

Avant rock

Hip hop



Post-rock/Math rock

Shoegaze/dream pop


Social commentary

I'm more than just a pretty face; I also have a lot of opinions on current social issues. Even though I'm a millenial, I'm not completely absorbed by modern technology. Sometimes I feel like I should of been born in a different generation!




The outdoors

I love to explore the outdoors! There are so many cool things to see in the world, and there's nothing like the warmth of the sun on your face. I have seen lots of very cool things, but haven't taken many very cool photos as I'm often "caught up in the moment". But here's a photo of me and my friend Leo.

Leo is one of the coolest old people I know- he's a lawyer and in the army reserves! This photo was taken when we placed second in a rogaine at Wingello, NSW. A rogaine is like a big treasure-hunt in the bush. One day I want to win a rogaine and get a rogaine championship mug. Some of my friends have rogaine championship mugs and they're really nice.


I like to skateboard. I want to upload a picture of me doing a kickflip here, but I'm still learning how to do tricks. I have sprained my wrist and my ankle this year skateboarding. I like to live on the edge. I have two skateboards: a long board that my brother leant me- he made it himself; and a short board my radical friend Lachlan gave me. I hope I can upload some movies of me doing tricks soon! Stay tubular friends!

Update: I still can't do any sick tricks, but I have this cool picture of my on my shortboard


I wanted to write about some of my baking here, but I think I'll wait till I make something later this week and I can upload some pictures of it!

I found this image on google images after searching for cute sharks







The end (for now)

thanks for visiting my website! I hope you had fun. I'll be updating it more soon so be sure to check back!

I'll leave you with this picture of my friend Chris's reaction to my website

 <--- And also my hit counter. Hello there!

my widget for counting