


Brand building is not a short-term marketing tactic. It's a long-term business building initiative, requiring leadership and commitment. We've found that the implementation of an infrastructure designed to nurture and protect the brand to be vital for success. We help companies design and implement the structure to ensure that brand communications are effective, efficient and consistent, with measurement systems to track performance and ensure a significant return on investment.


Intelligence is central to who we are and everything we do. It provides the foundation for brand strategy and it drives our relationships with clients. We are committed to bringing the highest level of understanding and insight to the brand at this first, critical stage. Through our proprietary database of major public companies, our analysis demonstrates brand power in both a competitive and historical context. It's an invaluable diagnostic tool that complements more conventional research methodologies by providing broader perspective -- a higher level of intelligence -- to brand dynamics.


We are brand strategists. The world's most powerful brands are never accidental. They grow out of long-term strategies based on superior insight into brand dynamics: where the brand lives, whom it affects and how it affects them, its inherent strengths and weaknesses, barriers and opportunities. Grounded with intelligence and driven by leadership's commitment, the optimal Jomie Strategy is a finely tuned, precision instrument that guides all expressions of the brand.


Even the most potentially powerful strategy will fail if not communicated effectively and consistently. Ultimately, how the brand is interpreted and expressed in all forms of communication will bring it to life. We help release and leverage the power inherent in the Jomie by creating visual and written expressions that convey both its purpose and personality. Whether communications are formal or informal, the objective is to speak with one consistent voice that embraces the brand's essence.

Got Brand?

Wondering what your corporate brand is...exactly? If it hasn't been planned and isn't strategically focused, it's what we call an accidental brand. On the other hand, if it has been effectively managed, it should convey the essence, character and purpose of your company and your products. The corporate branding process affects all forms of communications, from advertising to public relations to product packaging. It is the intentional declaration of who you are, what you believe and why your customers should put their faith in your products. Your brand distinguishes you from your competitors. And most importantly, corporate branding is the promise that your company keeps to your customers, prospects, business partners, stockholders and employees. Investing in your brand is investing in your company's future.



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