
Last night I had
    a delectable dream,
Of divinely delicious
    Tartuffo ice-cream!

Armed with my spoon,
    I scooped with delight,
Flinging cannon balls of chocolate,
    into furious flight...

Explosions! Eruptions!
    (My lips started quivering...)
Exquisite sensations!
    (My whole body shivering...)

Raspberries, Blueberries,
    Strawberries with cream...
I kept eating and eating,
    Tartuffo ice cream!

How abruptly it ended -
    (Oh, cruel, tragic fate!)
I was aghast to apprehend it -
    that deserted dessert plate...

With my enjoyment abated,
    I drifted awake -
To a dismal, dank, depressing,
    Tartuffo tummy ache...!


Copyright.   Jonathan Koh, 2000

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