======================================================= REPENTANCE, HEALING AND DELIVERANCE ======================================================= 1. THE MINISTRY OF JESUS Proclaim the kingdom of God through word and deed. 1.1 Preached repentance. Mark 1:15 1.2 Healed the sick. Mark 1:32-34 1.3 Cast out demons. Mark 1:32-34 ------------------------------------------------------- 2. THE MINISTRY OF THE TWELVE DISCIPLES (Before Jesus' crucifixion) 2.1 Preached repentance. Mark 6:12 2.2 Healed the sick. Mark 6:13 2.3 Cast out demons. Mark 6:13 ------------------------------------------------------- 3. JESUS' COMMISSION TO HIS DISCIPLES (After Jesus' resurrection) 3.1 Preach repentance. Mark 16:15-16 3.2 Heal the sick. Mark 16:18 3.3 Cast out demons. Mark 16:18 ------------------------------------------------------- 4. PETER'S MINISTRY (After Pentecost) 4.1 Preached repentance. Acts 2:38-39 4.2 Healed the sick. Acts 5:15 4.3 Cast out demons. Acts 5:16 ------------------------------------------------------- 5. PAUL'S MINISTRY (After Damascus road) 5.1 Preached repentance. Acts 17:30 5.2 Healed the sick. Acts 19:12 5.3 Cast out demons. Acts 19:12 ------------------------------------------------------- 6. WHAT SHOULD OUR MINISTRY INVOLVE? 6.1 Preach repentance? 6.2 Heal the sick? 6.3 Cast out demons? ------------------------------------------------------- The point of the above is to show that the ministry of healing and deliverance is clearly mentioned in the bible and it is expected of Christians. The focus of this paper is on the area of CASTING OUT DEMONS. ======================================================= DELIVERANCE IN EARLY CHURCH HISTORY ======================================================= 1. IRENAEUS (about AD 115 to 202) Against Heresies, Book II, 32:4 "For some [Christians] do certainly and truly DRIVE OUT DEVILS, so that those who have thus been cleansed from evil spirits frequently both believe and join themselves to the church." ------------------------------------------------------- 2. TERTULLIAN (about AD 160 to 220) To Scapula, Ch. 4 "The clerk of one of the courts who was liable to be thrown upon the ground by an evil spirit, was set free from his affliction (by Christians); as was also the relative of another, and the little boy of a third. How many men of rank (to say nothing of common people) have been DELIVERED FROM DEMONS, and HEALED OF DISEASES?" ------------------------------------------------------- 3. ORIGEN (AD 185 to 254) Against Celsus, Book I, 67 "And the Name of Jesus can still remove distractions from the minds of men, and EXPEL DEMONS, and also TAKE AWAY DISEASES and produce a complete change of character..." ------------------------------------------------------- Many more examples from church history can be found. The point of these examples is to show that the ministry of healing and deliverance continued AFTER the apostolic age. ======================================================= GOD, us and demons... ======================================================= 1. GOD is INFINITELY more powerful than Satan. Satan has been defeated at the cross. Eph 1:20-23 Christians are seated with Christ. Eph 2:6 And so have nothing to fear! ------------------------------------------------------- 2. Responsibility for sin? humans=100%, demons=0% Role of demons? Tempt us to sin! Mark 1:13 ------------------------------------------------------- 3. A Christian CANNOT be POSSESSED by a demon. A Christian belongs to God alone! 1 John 3:1 Here, I am reserving the term POSSESSED for non-Christians who have openly submitted themselves to demonic spirits. (e.g. Temple medium who goes in a trance and gets possessed by spirit of "monkey god".) ------------------------------------------------------- 4. However, my positions is: A Christian MAY be DEMONISED (i.e. have a demon in them). Strictly speaking, the bible does not explicitly mention whether a Christian may or may not have a demon. However, these texts STRONGLY SUGGEST the possibility that a Christian MAY have a demon. --------------------------------------------------- 4.1 SAUL --------------------------------------------------- Saul was "ANNOINTED" by God and made leader over "GOD'S INHERITANCE". 1 Sam 10:1 Spirit of God "CAME UPON" Saul and Saul "PROPHESIED". 1 Sam 10:10-11 YET... An evil spirit "TORMENTED" Saul. 1 Sam 16:14 David played the harp and it "LEFT" Saul. 1 Sam 16:23 An evil spirit "CAME FORCEFULLY" on Saul and Saul tried to murder David. 1 Sam 18:10-11 Saul engaged in WITCHCRAFT. 1 Sam 28 Was witchcraft a possible result of demonisation? --------------------------------------------------- 4.2 PETER --------------------------------------------------- Peter declared Jesus to be the Messiah. Matt 16:16 Jesus acknowledged that Peter had received God's revelation. Matt 16:17 Yet... Peter rebuked Jesus for going to the cross. Matt 16:22 When Jesus REBUKED Peter, He addressed SATAN. Matt 16:23 --------------------------------------------------- 4.3 DAUGHTER OF ABRAHAM with spirit of infirmity. Luke 13:11-16 --------------------------------------------------- 4.4 PAUL'S LETTERS --------------------------------------------------- Paul warns Christians against "RECEIVING ANOTHER SPIRIT". 2 Cor 11:4 Christians can be "TAKEN CAPTIVE" by the devil. 2 Tim 2:25-26 The devil can gain a "FOOTHOLD" through anger. Eph 4:25-27 --------------------------------------------------- 4.5 ANALOGY OF SIN --------------------------------------------------- Just as a Christian who is filled with the Spirit can still SIN, a Christian MAY have a demon. As long as it is possible to SIN, it is POSSIBLE to be DEMONISED. --------------------------------------------------- 4.6 ANALOGY OF INCARNATION --------------------------------------------------- Just because Jesus came into the world, does not mean that all the evil spirits left it! (That will eventually happen when Jesus returns and destroys Satan in the lake of fire. Rev 20:10) --------------------------------------------------- 4.7 BAPTISM RITES IN CHURCH HISTORY --------------------------------------------------- Prior to Council of Nicea: -------------------------- TERTULLIAN (3rd Century AD) records that the baptismal rite included EXORCISM. --------------------------------------------------- After Council of Nicea: -------------------------- ROMAN CATHOLIC baptism rite includes EXORCISM. LUTHER's 1523 baptism rite includes EXCORCISM. GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH baptism rite includes EXORCISM. --------------------------------------------------- Sources: Mueller, Wayne "Development of the Baptismal Rite in the Early Church". Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. http://www.wls.wels.net/library/Essays/Authors/M/ MuellerRite/MuellerRite.pdf Papademetriou, George C. "Exorcism in the Orthodox Church" Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, 1996. http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/articles/article7079.asp ------------------------------------------------------- What is the point of all this? In the Early Church, (and the churches of the East and West that followed it), excorcism was part of the baptism rites of both ADULTS and CHILDREN. Being set free from demons is the birth right of every Christian. Baptism is the most appropriate time to be set free! However, if any demons are NOT cast out at baptism they will STILL REMAIN in the Christian! (Demons will not leave unless commanded to go. More later.) ------------------------------------------------------- 5. A demon can enter a person, when a RIGHT is given to the demon. --------------------------------------------------- 5.1 This right can be given when that person sins. (e.g. Eph 4:25-27) This is typically HABITUAL sin. --------------------------------------------------- 5.2 The rights of a child may be given away by its parents (e.g. Parents dedicating a child to an idol MAY result in that child being demonised.) --------------------------------------------------- It is best to REPENT from all sin IMMEDIATELY. And NOT SIN at all. James 4:7 ======================================================= CASTING OUT DEMONS ======================================================= 1. The person needs to REPENT of the sin that gave the demon right of access. REPENTANCE must happen before DELIVERANCE. No deliverance can happen without repentance. ------------------------------------------------------- 2. The demon must be COMMANDED to leave IN JESUS NAME. A person can repent and still have a demon if the demon has not been commanded to go! When we REPENT, we speak to GOD. In DELIVERANCE, we command the DEMON to go. ======================================================= FURTHER COMMENTS... ======================================================= 1. The WILL of the person who is demonized is involved. Deliverance is not just about JESUS' power forcibly removing a demon. The "open-doorway" of sin in a person's life allows the demon access and re-entry. The person must be WILLING to repent/forgive/etc... And the person must desire to be free. ------------------------------------------------------- 2. Deliverance is NOT something SPOOKY. Once ALL sin is REPENTED of, the demons will leave IN JESUS' NAME. Casting out the demon is the EASY part!!! The difficult part is for the afflicted person to REPENT of sin or FORGIVE the person that hurt them. ------------------------------------------------------- 3. Deliverance is NOT for EXPERTS. ANY Christian can command a demon to leave in JESUS' NAME However, if the person does not have a demon, there will be NOTHING to cast out! As such, there is NO mention of the spiritual gift of DELIVERANCE in the NT, but rather the spiritual gift of DISCERNMENT! ------------------------------------------------------- 4. It is NOT about the power of the exorcist, but about the power of GOD. However, if the person casting out the demon does not have a right relationship with God, there may be trouble! (cf. Seven sons of Sceva. Acts 19:13-16) ------------------------------------------------------- 5. If the person attempting to cast out a demon has unconfessed SIN in the SAME AREA that the demon is operating, there may be difficulty for that person to cast the demon out. ------------------------------------------------------- 6. The fact that a person has a demon DOES NOT make the person BAD or EVIL. Sadly, little children MAY be demonized. Luke 9:42 Satan is despicable and takes advantage of the helpless. ------------------------------------------------------- 7. Casting out evil spirits in the name of Jesus is significant because it proves: --------------------------------------------------- 7.1 The RESURRECTION of Jesus. Demons will not be afraid of a dead man. --------------------------------------------------- 7.2 The SUPREMACY of Jesus. Jesus is more powerful than any demon. ------------------------------------------------------- 8. It is important to FOCUS ON GOD and not on demons. Simply live in the light! Eph 5:3-14 Ultimately, uhe Christian life is about KNOWING GOD and NOT about casting out demons. Luke 10:18-20 ------------------------------------------------------- 9. Remember that Satan will be thrown in the lake of fire. Rev 20:10 ======================================================= Jonathan Koh April 21, 2003 "The prince of Darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, For lo! his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him." A Mighty Fortress, Martin Luther