Pirate Lunt Interviews Bob and Larry
Fresh Produce: An Interview with VeggieTales Stars Bob and Larry
Will success spoil them?
Since 1993, stalwart Bob the Tomato and his wisecracking sidekick Larry the Cucumber have been dispensing age-old wisdom and zippy jokes for their VeggieTales fans in their highly successful Christian-lite series. Pirate Lunt caught up with the two stars on the eve of their Hollywood debut in the film Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie.
Pirate Lunt: Level with us: it's called VeggieTales, but Bob, technically you are a fruit. Have there been any problems with that on the show?

Bob the Tomato: Not a lot of people know this beside fruits, vegetables, and biologists, but anything with the seeds on the inside is considered a fruit. That makes tomatoes, gourds, and even cucumbers fruits. But that's just a technicality. I see myself as a vegetable. I made that decision at a very young age. Maybe that's because I grew up between a row of broccoli and a row of carrots. Besides, in most states there's something called "common-law veggieship," where one can petition to be a vegetable if he or she has been considered a vegetable for a minimum of three years.

Pirate Lunt: Larry, what's Bob like when the camera turns off?

Larry the Cucumber: He's pretty much the same, only a little lighter. You know what they say--the camera adds 10 ounces. But he's the nicest tomato and the best friend in the world!

Pirate Lunt: What are your favorite hobbies?

Bob: I like to practice my acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize.

Larry: Watching Animal Planet and eating Jell-O cubes.

Pirate Lunt: Ever hang out with the Jolly Green Giant?

Bob: We used to hang out before he started freeze-drying my friends.

Larry: Don't let the "Ho, ho, ho!" fool you, right Bob?

Bob: That's right, Larry.

Pirate Lunt: You have no hands, yet starting with Esther, the Girl Who Became Queen you were able to hold things. Can you explain that?

Larry: It's the magic of television. I try to pick things up off camera and it just doesn't work. I think it might be the same phenomenon that adds 10 ounces.

Pirate Lunt: Larry, with your new series, The Cartoon Adventures of Larryboy, you've gone from computer-generated, 3-D animation to traditional 2-D cel animation. Does that process hurt at all?

Larry: Not a bit! Dropping a dimension and going 2-D makes me look a lot more like a comic book. It has also helped me to shed some of those extra ounces I put on during the holidays.

Pirate Lunt: Now that you are Hollywood stars with your new movie coming out [ Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie], are you afraid that all the attention will go to your heads?

Bob: I'm learning from Body for Life that I'm pretty much all head, which is probably why I'm not getting anywhere with my pecs. But really, Larry and I are just a couple of regular, humble guys. We're just glad to have the opportunity to help bring families together.

Larry: Yeah! I'm just hoping that I'll get to have lunch with Scooby-Doo one of these days.

Pirate Lunt: Do either of you want to direct?

Bob: Would I ever!

Larry: You bet! I can see me now, with one of those cool rain ponchos, a shiny metal whistle, all those cars buzzing around me. You do mean directing traffic, right?

Pirate Lunt: So any parting words for your fans?

Larry: Be nice to each other! And laugh a lot, too! It burns calories and is good for digestion.

Bob: Oh, and remember, God made you special and he loves you very much!

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