JonBenet Ramsey
... not just a Beauty Queen


JonBenet Patrica Ramsey

Name meaning:
JonBenet   =  Little gift from God
Date of Birth:
Monday August 6th 1990 at 01:36am
Leo [click here to read more about Leo]
Place of Birth:
Georgia,  Atlanta
Date of Death:
between 10pm December 25th - 6am December 26th 1996
Place of Death:
Boulder, Colorado
Parents & Siblings:
John [father], Patricia [mother], Burke [brother],
John Andre [half brother], Melinda [half sister], Beth [half sister]
Pets: white Bichon Frise dog named Jacques
Beauty titles held:
Little Miss Charlevoix (Mich.), America's Royal Miss,
Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl, National Tiny
Miss Beauty, Little Miss Merry Christmas,
Little Miss Colorado
August 6th Holidays
& Observances:
Civic Holiday (Canada), Peace Day, Root Beer Float Day
#1 song for August
6th 1990:
Vision Of Love - by Mariah Carey
#1 song for December
26th 1995:
Unbreak My Heart - by Toni Braxton

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Patricia Ramsey was born on August 6th 1990. Born in Georgia, Atlanta she is the second child to John Bennett Ramsey and Patricia [Patsy] Paugh Ramsey. Her siblings are brother Burke [9 when JonBenet passed on] - and John had 3 children from his first marriage - John Andrew, Melinda and Elizabeth [deceased]. Her unusual first name came from her fathers given names and her mothers admiration for french names. In 1991 the family moved to Boulder, Colorado.
JonBenet had a dog, a white bichon frise named Jacques - Jacques now lives with the Ramseys' former neighbour Joe Barnhill and his wife, Beth in Boulder.  Joe recalls how JonBenet loved Jacques so much she would lay on the floor and let Jacques jump on her and lick her face and she would squeal with delight!

Her brother, John Andrew, says 'she was a tomboy with scrapes on her knees like any other 6 year old' and many others tell of how she adored her big brother Burke. With her family she attended and was in involved in St. Johns Episcopal Church. JonBenet attended High Peaks Elementary school in Boulder where she is remembered by teachers and her peers as a caring, considerate, happy and friendly child. One teacher reported to Patsy before JonBenets death, 'JonBenet will never have trouble giving an oral book report'!!!!! A teacher remembers how once a child brought treats for the classroom to eat but there wasn't enough to go around - it was JonBenet who suggested that the teacher 'cut the treats in half to be fair'!
JonBenet entered beauty pageants and won several titles - not only due to her stunning good looks but also because of her beautiful personality and great talents. Her titles held include - Little Miss Charlevoix (Mich.), Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl, America's Royal Miss, National Tiny Miss Beauty, Little Miss Merry Christmas, Little Miss Colorado. Her mother Patsy [who was crowned Miss West Virginia in 1973] entered her in pageants but without doubt it was JonBenets decision - she sang, danced and wore glamorous customes and makeup with joy. When you tell or force a child to do an activity they don't want to they have no enthusiasim - but JonBenet was full of enthusiasim - she loved entertaining and making people smile. Fame did not go to her head though. One pageant organiser recalls 'if JonBenet won she would act if it was the first time she had won, and if she lost she was the first person to congratulate the winner'. Suesan Rajabi, Miss Colorado USA 1996, judged one of the last pageants JonBenet competed in, she remembers JonBenet as 'sweet and funloving', she also says, "I've seen little girls who seemed to be in pageants against their will, but that wasn't true of JonBenet. She loved to perform, she loved the costumes."
JonBenet died, the victim of a horrific homicide, on December 26 1996 in her family home at Boulder, Colorado. She was 6 years old. She was buried on New Years Eve in Marietta, Georgia, Atlanta - beside her half-sister, Elizabeth, who died in an automible accident in 1992. Her killer has not YET been caught but one sweet day there will be justice for JonBenet Patricia Ramsey.

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