Name: Katie L Hergert
Parents: Penni and Jimmy
Siblings:Liz and Ben
Email: hergert777@hotmailcom
Date Of Birth: August 8, 1979
Heroes: ?
Favorite Musicians: I listen to the radio too much, so it changes daily.
Favorite TV Shows: I love King of the Hill, it is hilarious!
Favorite Movies:Tommy Boy, I am Sam
Pets: zip

I currently attend school at Rasmussen Business College in St. Cloud Mn. I will be graduating
in March of 2003 and am very anxious to be finished with school. I also, unfortunately, work
at Target right now. Let's just say I don't want to be working there any longer than I have
to. I also work at the big MSI Insurance office in Cambridge with my good ole daddy!
That is the sweetest job a person could ever have!

Hobbies = I don't have many hobbies, but I do like to scrapbook as Penni mentioned.
It is actually quite relaxing and FUN! I don't get much time to do that between death(Target)
and school. So I guess if I have to make a point, everyone knows my hobby.........
Jon knows too.........PARTY!!!! I have had much practice and become a pro........

Memory: Airplane ride from Hawaii to Minnesota.......Food.....Ben......NOT GOOD..........

Biggest Achievement: Being able to be friends with my parents and going back to school!

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