Champagne D'Argents
We will be adding more pictures of our champagnes soon.  This doe is from Richard Dunlap or RD Bunnies (OH).  Our others come from Chris & Willis Plank (MI).   We have our first litter that is currently in the process of being weaned.  The Plank doe also has a litter that is about a week old.  If you are interested in purchasing Champagnes, please email us.
The Champagne D'Argent is a rare breed.  It is very unique in that the babies are born completely black and take several months to change to the beautiful silvery color of an adult.  They are a large (10#) commercial type rabbit that is great for meat breeding purposes.  They have a fast rate of growth.  We have found that they also make nice pets, having a docile personality.  They are sturdy enough to withstand being handled by children.  Much more so than the tiny breeds who are often dropped.
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