30ª Edição
11 a 18
Setembro 2003
Bahia - Brasil

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The XXX Jornada Internacional de Cinema da Bahia - Bahia International Film and Video Festival will take place in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, from September 11th to 18th, 2003, under the motto FOR A MORE HUMAN WORLD


Art. 1. The XXX Jornada Internacional de Cinema da Bahia, by its Afro-Ibero American Film and Video Contest seeks to disclose new audiovisual independent productions and to reward those that are most representatives to be considered in its categories.

Art. 2. The Contest is open to Latin American, Portuguese, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking African countries productions, finished from June 2002. New productions of any origin may take part in the contest in case they have Latin American theme.

Art. 3. The Contest embraces following categories: documentary, fiction, animation or experimental. Only documentary film or videos can be long length.

Art. 4. Films should be presented in 16 or 35mm and the videos in BetaSP/NTSC format. Each video tape should contain just one title.

Art. 5. Videos should only be accepted with maximum of 35 minutes running time, except for documentary videos, that can have up to 56 minutes. Each participant can compete with one work only.

Art. 6. In non afro-ibero-american film or video category, can participate productions of short, medium and/or long documentaries of any nationality that should have as theme the Latin-American universe. There will only be accepted productions narrated or subtitled in Spanish or Portuguese.

Art. 7. Selection of films and videos registered in Contest will be made by commissions of national ambit, designated by the organizers. In special cases, people can be designated by the Jornada Directory board, to select films or videos for the competition, directly in producing countries or in international events.

Art. 8. Films and videos should be sent together with the entry form, completely filled, author's filmography and attached all informative material, including photos.

Art. 9. Jornada Organization board accepts films or videos registered in the Contest presented in VHS/NTSC format, just for selection effect. The copies in VHS format, will remain property of Jornada archives.

Art. 10. Entry forms and copies of films and videos should arrive at the headoffice of the Jornada until June 30th, 2003, at the following address, without any expenses to festival organization:

Universidade Federal da Bahia
Prédio da Ceplac
Av. Sete de Setembro, 2209 - Corredor da Vitoria
CEP 40 080-002 - Salvador - Bahia - Brasil

Telefax: 00 55 71 3361680
e-mail: [email protected] http://jornadabahia.cjb.net

Art. 11. Awards of Conctest will be granted by an International Film Jury
and an International Video Jury , composed of up to seven members each. The juries will establish work approaches, in cooperation with Jornada Directory board.

a) International Film Jury will grant following awards:

TATU DE OURO (Golden Tatu)
- Best Documentary Film
- Best Fiction Film
- Best Animation or Experimental Film
- Best Long Documentary
- Best non Ibero-American Film about Latin América .

TATU DE PRATA (Silver Tatu)
- Best Direction
- Best Script
- Best Photography
- Best Edition
- Best Sound
- Best Music
- Best Actor
- Best Actress

b) International Video Jury will grant following awards:

TATU DE OURO (Golden Tatu)
- Best Documentary Video
- Best Fiction Video
- Best Animation or Experimental Video
- Best non Ibero-American video about Latin America

TATU DE PRATA (Silver Tatu)
- Revelation.

c) Film and Video Juries can grant also a special award and an honorable
mention, but they are not obliged to give all awards.

d) Official Juries will also grant following awards in trophies or money:

GLAUBER ROCHA AWARD - To the best Jornada Film.
WALTER DA SILVEIRA AWARD -To the best Jornada Video.
DIOMEDES GRAMACHO AWARD - To the best production de Bahia
TROFÉU GRUPO BRASIL/MERCOSUL - For the Film or Video that best symbolizes the integration spirit among the people of Mercosul countries.

e) In case that national and international organizations, for example OCIC, want to grant special award to films and videos, they are invited to do so, with previous agreement of Jornada Directory board.

f) All Juries decisions will be irrevocable.

Art. 12. Of General Dispositions:

a) Jornada Organization will be responsible for storage costs and safety of films and videos, while under its guard. In case of loss or damage, the indemnification will be limited to value of the copy cost.

b) Remittance expenses and return of films and videos should be participant's responsibility, except for winning videos and films, whose refund will run due to Jornada.

c) Jornada Organization hopes to proceed return of not winning films and videos, until one month after event closing. If is participant's will, he can receive and transport personally his copy at the end of the Festival, with exception off tthe premiated films or videos.

d) Jornada Organization has reserved the right to show in TV extracts of participating films and videos, only for divulgation purpose of the Festival program.

e) Copies of films and/or videos that are donated to Jornada archives, will only be exhibited in non-commercial programs that seek the festival promotion.

f) Jornada Organization guarantees hotel accommodation during festival days for 01 (one) representative of each production in Contest.

g) Filling up and signature of entry form for Film and Video Contest imply that the participant accepts this regulation terms.

Art. 13. Present Regulation is written in Portuguese, Spanish and English, in case of doubt, interpretation of Portuguese version will prevail.


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