Hi!..Thanks for stopping by..*S*

Anne - 11/05/00 21:32:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/irishdream/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: PA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: I don't have a favorite breed, but I have a favorite cat. My little Miss Higgins.

Your page is great! Thanks for sharing Cody's Story with us.

Random Acts of Kindness

Lynda Appell - 08/27/00 15:05:05
My URL:http://usa.internations.net/health/redapple/index4.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: PA, US
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Siamese
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: More information on Siamese cats.

Your site is very heartfelt, supportive, informative. Wishing you well on it. Hope Cody is doing well and the rest of your family. Warmest wishes Lynda

MyLady D. - 03/27/00 04:40:47
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: FLORIDA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: ALL OF THEM


Melly - 03/27/00 04:38:35


The Setterstrom's - 08/11/99 14:50:10
My URL:http://www.members.home.net/shadie1
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: BC Canada
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: no fave breed, just a fave colour...black

Hello from The Setterstrom's. You have a lovely page. We really enjoyed our visit and peeking around. Have a great day!

khymberlee - 06/22/99 15:40:38
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Ohio

i saw you on our bbw list...clicked on your page and thought it was very nice! very pretty and you have a very handsome young man! May you both have all the happiness in the world!

TCARMON - 05/09/99 00:21:08
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: North carolina
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: More of you


Wings of Magic - 02/15/99 20:29:11

Liked chatting with you: May God bless you and yours.

Thomas Carmon - 01/09/99 04:36:40
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: North Carolina

I just want to jat that you have done a great job

Susie - 01/04/99 23:56:52
My URL:http://susiesplace.simplenet.com/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: California
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: all breeds! :-)

Hi! I just wanted to come by and say thanks for visiting my site, and for taking the time to sign my guestbook! I'm so glad you found some goodies you could take with you! And then when I got here, I was pleasantly surprised to find a link to my site! WOW Thanks!! lol I enjoyed browsing around your site very much! I enjoyed reading Cody's story...very touching. And of course...cats!! lol I love all animals, but wouldn't be without cats in my house! :-) Anyway, just wanted to say great job and thanks agai ! Take care! Susie

SpiritWings (*T*; Teresa) - 12/09/98 02:40:14
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Toledo, Ohio
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: More of a Dog/Bird, but love Manecoon (sp?)
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Yuo can add me as a friend! ((HUGS))

Wow... Loved your page... You'll have to visit ours and see pics of Rocky, Prissy & Todo... Our Puppers! I work in a vet clinic, so I see some beautiful cats... Manecoons (Sp?) are my fav... We have one called "Mikey" that weighs a whopping 32 pound ! Bigger than all our puppers put together! Anyway... Nice talking to you in WBS C30S the other day.... Keep up you lovefor the Lord!! God Bless, SpiritWings ((((HUGS))))

FELICKX - 11/18/98 23:38:19
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: US,WI.
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: SPHYNX


T.Nasty - 11/06/98 06:29:38
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ValentineDr/ohplayert/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: U.S.

Thanks for checking out my page...it means alot to know that someone else is taking a peek. I don't own any cats but my buddy that is helping me with the page has two Siamese/Persian mixed. I am checking out your page and it is good...now I have a goal! C eck it out in the future and see how far I have come.....T

10/03/98 01:20:19
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Marjorie Preston - 09/26/98 15:38:19
My Email:[email protected]

Enjoyed your hp luv. Hope you and your family is doing well... email me sometimes and we can keep in touch! ~*~Dove@Midnight~*~

Bruce - 09/13/98 19:13:26
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/j/o/k/jokermaann1nonly.htmlhttp://
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: PA.
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: SIAMEASE

Very nice homepage.. Keep up the faith in the lord and your son will be fine.

DanZman - 09/06/98 03:05:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DZM/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Florida
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: No CATS!!
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: dogs...*S*

Great site! It's a nice place to visit, if you like cats....*S* See ya! DanZman

Amethyst - 08/26/98 19:55:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6243
My Email:[email protected]

Just surfed into your site and really enjoyed my visit to your site.

spanky.... - 08/12/98 02:32:56
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: texas
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: mutt named rugrat


- 08/12/98 02:27:45
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: texas
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: mutt named rugrat


Lewis Jones - 08/09/98 07:38:31
Which Country/State are you from?: Oregon
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: racoon
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: toadjay


Matt - 07/21/98 14:13:13
My URL:http://ouch.home.ml.org
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Australia


You've done well with your website!
The ONE and ONLY place that encourages the a vantages of being a teenager A N D a diabetic
*Life is full of benefits. Diabetes is just one of them!*

David/G.L.Devil - 07/15/98 01:48:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/7557/1a.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Oklahoma
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: any that stays away from me
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: less cats *LOL*

Tag... you it!

Soprano - 07/10/98 00:25:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9932
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Florida/USA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: A partial siamese breed, such as Burmese. I like many dif kinds though.


Thanks for visiting my site. As you could see, I love cats too....unfortunately, I am allergic. ~;c(

Anna - 07/01/98 03:24:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9391
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Oklahoma

Hello, I enjoyed your pages! Have a great day!

Lisa - 06/27/98 17:40:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/8183
Which Country/State are you from?: Kansas USA
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: New pic's of your son

Hi ((((Deanna)))), I've been here at your page for SOO long. I came from the MOTW mail-list. It was 90 degrees here when I got up! UGH, gonna be a scorcher for sure! You have a very interesting site, the stories about your son, an the love poems are great. I didn't go to the cat pages, like you advised if I didn't like em. I'm just too busy with my four kids to like em! LOL Anyway, hope you can make it to my site, look around and sign my GB. In the meantime I'll see ya in the mail-list. (your missing the / in the sign GB link on the linkpage)

Visit me at Lisa's Place

Moms On The Web Member

Kim (Card1987) - 06/27/98 16:11:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1794
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Oklahoma
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: n/a
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: looked good to me :-)

Hi :-) Great place you have here! I had a nice time visiting and getting to know you a little. Come visit me sometime when you get bored :-) Take care and keep smiling!

Stacey - 06/26/98 22:14:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1376/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: CO
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Siamese (if you please!)
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Nope, it's great!

I have been down the road you are traveling now. I survived it as will you! God Bless. Your pages are wonderful as are your cats! :) Stacey

Jodi - 06/26/98 20:55:22
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Morvia/madness.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Massachusettes, USA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: domestic...so many colors...lol

love all your kitties...what a charming place!...come visit me sometime...no cats, but it's still a nice place...*G*

Kristi - 06/26/98 20:26:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4814
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Originally WV/NC at this time
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: None

My eyes are swollen and my face is itching. Im allergic to cats*L*. I really enjoyed your page and your boy is so cute. Thanks for welcoming me to MOTW.

merman - 06/08/98 16:43:41
My URL:http://wbs.net/homepages/m/e/r/merman62.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Ontario Canada
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: One that I'm not allergic to :)
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: No..you're doing well..maybe a pic of yourself..

Nicely done, easy to read and lots of links..Mine will get to be as nice someday!

Linqs - 06/04/98 02:49:23

Here's a little autograph for my buddy Purr *S*

2sexz4wbs aka:Lara - 06/03/98 16:20:07
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Indiana
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Siamese
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: where would u put it?*LOL*

Well, D...Not sure what all to say...Thanks for all the crazy times we spent in the pool dipping men in choccy sauce and all the other zany things we have participated online in*LOL*...Thanks for taking the time to talk to me when i was really depressed a d not thinking very clearly even though i know you had your own problems to deal with*HUG*...Thanks for all the kindness you have shown me, you are a true friend, one of a kind. Those kind of people you don't find to often in your life and i am glad we m t. Hope to always be friends. Thanks for calling me on my birthday and letting me talk to that dear little *codeman* Hope things work out the way you want them to with Tim.*VBS* You deserve the best! Always know that i am here for u when you need to talk , blow steam or just what ever. Just as you have been for me. We still have to go shopping at Glenbrook Mall as soon as we get the cashola! Can't wait to meet you and cody!:-) Stay just as you are! Love ya, Lara*HUG&VBS*

Smiley Face 3:16 - 06/01/98 14:13:47
Which Country/State are you from?: Texas
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: hmmm.... Siamese...

I love your home page.... Is so... Can't think of the word!! Really cool... Bye, Smiley

Monica - 05/30/98 18:49:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7965
Which Country/State are you from?: the Netherlands
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: we have a 'tortoise-shell cat' (looked that up in the dictionary *S*
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: It is just great!!

Hello! I enjoyed my visit at your site. I also love cats, we have just one, she has her own page too on our site. I love your pages, I was here before, but the guestbook did not work so I came back to see more of your pages and ign the guestbook too.
I came to your site through MOTW. I just recently joined them and I want to visit all (?!) the other members.
Come and visit our family if you want to.
Greetings from Holland and God Bless,

LadyIce - LOTH SIS & MOTW Caring HEarts Committee ChairMOM - 05/29/98 01:39:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com.SouthBeach/Surf/8121
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Canada, Ontario
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Himalayian & a Cabbot
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: I tis so nic e- I can't think of it now

You have a Purrrrrrrrrrr fect set of pages here - Ilove my cats and my 2 dogs as well. Take care cos I care

Margo - 05/28/98 22:54:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6347/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Indiana
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: just my Sammy cat :0)
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: I like what I see already :0)

Hi there! I thought I would stop by and get to know you a little better. I love the pages. Welcome to MOTW! :0)

Debbie - 05/28/98 19:15:45
My URL:http://welcome.to/mommiesontheweb
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Maryland

Hello!!! I'm a fellow Moms on the Web member and wanted to drop by to say hello and welcome you to the group. Just loved all your kitties! My daughter is the kitty fanatic in this house :o) Visit me anytime

Tina - 05/28/98 14:40:44
My URL:http://www.eisa.net.au/~imagin
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Melbourne, Vic. Australia
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: they're all gorgeous :o)

Hi Deanna, yes, I am a cat lover too :o) and I used to dress my cat in doll's clothes and put him in the pram !! Love your site... Tina

Barby - 05/28/98 03:10:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2251
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Arkansas
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: just plain kitty
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: more kitties!

Your page is delightful! We love kitties at our house! Welcome to MOTW--you will make a wonderful addition to our group!
~~Wishing you joy, laughter, and purrs always~~

2girls1boy - 05/28/98 00:43:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jmbagb/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Virginia, USA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Himalayan
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Nope...looks great!

Hi Deanna, and welcome to MOTW! I have been enjoying my visit with you and your family, but wanted to make sure I signed your guestbook before I forget LOL! Come visit with our family when you get a chance, and welcome again to MOTW!

Pamela Zepeda - 05/27/98 05:31:34
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/phz
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Charlotte, NC USA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Yes, my Russian Blue

Hi, Deanna...I LOVE your site. I have a three-year old cat named Sydney. She's my baby so your cat pages are fantastic to me. Oh! The reason I originally stopped by was to welcome you to "Moms on the Web!" We're so glad to have you with us! Hugs, Pam

cybresshunter - 05/17/98 21:19:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/5436/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Indiana
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: all breeds

You did a beautiful job on your HP. I hope and pray that someday there will be a cure for diabetes.

TRIPP - 05/14/98 04:11:42
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Jersey boy
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Dogs rule!
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Some sexy pics,,lol

Hi hon,,working hard?*kiss* nice work!*smile*

MScarlett - 05/13/98 14:11:09
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/m/s/c/mscarlett.html
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Ontario

Another very nice, cat filled, page Purr ... keep up the good work! *LOL*

Robert - PASS SHOT - 05/13/98 03:06:46
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Arkansas redneck
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: *giggle* I like dogs

*singing* What really turns me on is the SHAKE.

Amy (chat cutie) - 05/13/98 02:25:07
My URL:http://www.mlode.com/~amy/
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: USA/CA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: I plead the fifth
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Hmmm...well...um...I'll get back to ya on that one. *S*

This is truely one of the better pages I've seen. Very tastefully done and true to yourself. *S* I guess my voodoo doll doesn't fit here, huh? *L* Well, I better let you go. You have a lot f ICQ messages to send out if you want to make your wish come true. *giggle* Thanks for being a good friend!!

Matricx & Caron - 05/12/98 01:38:54
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Malaysia
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Siamese-Persian Mix
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: More of you....*S*

Mastery HP designer at work. Could say , you are the Leonardo DaVincci of HPs.Finally the feline world has a spokes lady (and a great one at that) You are a nice Lady Deanna and a great mum. Love, Hugs and More Hugs

Test - 05/08/98 04:39:55


Bruce (aka Bruce of Austin) - 05/07/98 22:51:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8291
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Texas USA
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Ocicat

Hi Deanna, Page looks great. *S* You got it looking good real fast. See you around

Susie - 05/07/98 14:21:47
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: London
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Moggie..

Purr.....One day, some day, we'll meet & have a giggle..take care & stay in touch... *Love, hugs, kisses & wishes*

Eeyore40 (Mark) - 05/07/98 14:10:34
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~Mfcawley
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: US/MI
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: All

*hoping this is the last time I have to sign your HPs!!* *L* *rubbing sore hooves* I don't know about you people who constantly change these pages!! *S* This is, I must say, the best page I've yet seen!! *hugs* Well done!!! It is what a HP should be...a place to REALLY meet and get to know someone!! I'll return when I have more time!! With luv, Eeyore

Becky - 05/07/98 13:37:05
Which Country/State are you from?: New jersey

Nice page!!

Tim - 05/05/98 14:29:16
Which Country/State are you from?: Michigan
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: WOLF *S*

Purr, What more can I say? You are so very important to me, you have the purest heart of anyone I have ever met. So strong for your little boy when you have to be...soft tender and caring when you can be. You continually amaze me with how much love you have to give to friends and family. I adore you! Love, Tim

Zeekle - 05/01/98 12:15:40
Which Country/State are you from?: NZ..soon England *S*
If you have a fave cat breed what is it?: Cooked
Is there anything else you would like to see on my HP?: Me

Love the new HP hun... just kiding about the cooked cats!!.. prefer them more like sushi really.. *CG* You know me... only joking.. Love ya too *WF WCK SS H&K* Zeek

Sue - 04/28/98 16:01:09
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5267
My Email:[email protected]
Which Country/State are you from?: Washington state

Hi Purrfection29F!
I really enjoyed my visit to your home page and I also had a great time chatting with you last night in the NeedleCraft Chat Room on WBS! Good luck with your web designing and from the looks of your home page I think you will do great! Hope to chat with you again soon! {{{{HUGS}}}}
J Sue J

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