A Better Country

"But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city."
Heb. 11: 16.

Hebrews 11 is a chapter which tells us about the great heroes of faith.  These words written to the Hebrews also encourage us to persevere in the faith, even in times of persecution or pressures. We can grow in our relationship with Jesus by having faith  in the promise of his return and by his presence with us at all times.  We can reach out and touch the Lord by faith as he is always near.  We do not have to wait to feel his  presence and power until we gather together at a certain time or place.  He dwells within us through His Holy Spirit and is always with us.  We are to walk by faith and not by sight.  As we believe we can receive and he will help and bless us when we call upon Him.  He will also bless and help others as we intercede for them in prayer.  He is a God who is always the same and will never change.

All the Saints of old spoken of in Hebrews died without receiving all that God had promised.  They never lost their hope or vision of heaven.  Many Christians today lose hope or become frustrated and defeated when God does not immediately answer their prayers or meet their demands.  If our goals seem far away, we can still take courage from these heroes of the faith who lived and died without seeing all the fruit of their earthly faith.  They never stopped believing and inherited eternal life by their continued perseverance. They received a better Country which they had longed for and eternal rest by believing the promises.  Because they believed, God was not ashamed to be called their God and prepared a heavenly city for them.  He will do the same for his children today as he did for the Children of Israel if we also believe.

Confidence and certainty describes our faith.  The beginning of our faith is believing in God's character.  He is the great "I Am" and ruler of this whole universe.  The end of our faith is continuing on and believing firmly in God's promises.  God will give us peace, encouragement, and also words that we might help others to continue on as they face the daily challenges of this life.  In spite of not seeing dreams and goals wished for materialize immediately, hold on and believe they will come to pass in God's time and way.  Keep trusting in Him as this is the meaning of true faith.  He is our "faithful God" who will hear and answer.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Hold On

The Saints of old by faith received
A heavenly home for which they believed,
They endured and remained true until the end
These chose God's plan over a life of sin.

Hold on to Christ and receive a crown of life
He will return soon and remove all sin and strife,
Our Lord will reign forever throughout all eternity.
He is coming again soon ....for you and for me.
Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations



God Says........
When you think you can't....God says- - "you can."
When you feel you are falling... God says- - "you will stand."
When fear enters.....God says - -"faith defeats fear"
When you feel like crying....God will wipe your tears....they are a language he alone understands.
When dismayed by doubt....God says- - "have faith and receive."
When problems comes your way....God says- - "I am the problem solver."
When sickness comes....God says- - "I am your Healer."
When lonely or sad...God say- -"I am your Comforter."
When you need someone to lean on....God says- -"cast all your cares upon me."
When you need a friend...God says- - "I am a friend who is closer than a brother."
When life seems to have no meaning....God says- - "I am the Resurrection and the Life, believe on me."
When others walk away..... "God says He will always be with you."
When walking through the valley of the shadow of death....God says- -" I Am with you always."
Doubt sees impossibilities......Faith sees the unseen by believing God can do the impossible.
"All things work together for good to those who love Him."
Believe and Receive the promises of the Lord.
"There is peace in the midst of the storm."
Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations 

                   To God Be The Glory
"God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.  Unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end."
Eph. 3: 20 {KJV}








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