Always The Same

Do not be, deceived my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." 
(James 1:17).

We have a Faithful God who is always the same and will never change.  People change and may fail us as many do not walk straight paths in the glorious light of the gospel.  Our Lord will never fail us as He is the light which always brightens up our world.  His light shines brightly to lead us through in paths of righteousness.  As we are led by God, we can help show those who need help the way back to the Father.

God is referred to by James as the "Father of Lights." We are told in this Scripture not to be deceived, but to understand that all good gifts 
come down from above.  It is only God who can give perfect gifts.  There is nothing lacking in the gifts which our Lord gives to his children. They are always complete and perfect and are given to imperfect men and women striving to become more Christ like, daily.

What wonderful promises we have in the Word of our Lord.  There is never any variation with Him nor any shadow of turning.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning  and the End, First and the Last, and will never change.

When we need assurance and have sought the heart of God, He will give us a sure word of encouragement.  He cannot fail us when we call upon Him and will confirm what is within our spirits. We do not have to prove anything to our Lord except our faith.  He knows our hearts and exactly what is within us as it is His Holy Spirit which has filled us with his spirit of truth.  His Word is like a mirror which reflects what is within lives and speaks to hearts. 

We can know without a doubt that every part of our life belongs to Him by continuing in the faith. We are allowed to go through times of testing and trials but the trying of our faith works patience and hope within.  By our standing, the enemy of our soul is shown that we will not lean away from the heart of God.  God already knows what is within as we are his dwelling place on earth.  We can be victorious in Christ Jesus.

His goodness and mercies will abide forever.  We have a blessed assurance that our Father who is in Heaven will always be there for us with unfailing love.  We have all we need to stand even in the midst of pain, oppression, or suffering, as He will comfort and see us through all things. 

When we speak of faithfulness, there is no other like unto our Lord God.  Great is thy faithfulness O God our Father, there really is no shadow of 
turning in you.  Thy compassions fail not. We give thanks today and always for your faithfulness
to your children.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"

Leonard E. Lesourd has written about his late wife, Catherine Marshall, the author of Christy: Bibles were scattered throughout our house...all
editions, plus reference books and concordances.  We often went to bed, turned out the light, and listened to a chapter of scripture on tape.  If she could have found a way to spread Bible passages on a slice of bread, Catherine would have devoured it.  When upset or under spiritual assault or in physical pain, Catherine would go to her office, kneel by her chair, and open her Bible...She would read, then pray, then read, then pray some more.  She liked to pray with the Bible clutched in her hands...She would rest her case on its promises.  Catherine didn't read the Bible for solace or inspiration, but to have an encounter with the Lord...I think these were the most intense moments of her life...Catherine's passion for the Word permeated her whole life. It under-girded her writing.  It formed a base for us as a married team in the making of family decisions.  It provided substance to her counseling of people through the mail.  I'm convinced it was also the basis for her inner vitality, her charisma, and the mantle of authority
she wore with some reluctance.  The Bible is a living, breathing book. Let God speak to you through its pages.  Let it transform your thinking and you way of life.  Like Catherine Marshall, don't just read your Bible, have an encounter with the Living God.
God bless,
Sent by Debbie

W- Wonderful is His Ways- Romans 11:33
O- Wonderful is His Offerings- Ephesians 5:2
N- Wonderful is His Name- Matthew 1:21
D- Wonderful is His Doings- Luke 4:31-37
E- Wonderful is His Energy- Acts 10:38
R- Wonderful is His Redemption- Ephesians 1:7
F- Wonderful is His Fullness- Colossians 2:9
U- Wonderful is His Union- John 14:10-11
L- Wonderful is His Love- John 13:1

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord!



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