ll Chronicles 7: 14:  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 

                            Picture by Heart Light

         America In Tragedy


America the Beautiful,
From sea to shining sea,
Stands today in sorrow,
Thinking of war and tragedy.
The lives of men and women,
So innocent and free,     
Destroyed in just moments,
By an uncaring enemy.
The towers that once stood,
Emblems of our Nation's trade,
Now lie in smoke and rubble,
In the land of the free and brave.


Children cry in hurt and sorrow,
For a parent who did not come home,
While searchers look for bodies,
In massive webs of steel and stone.


People who never speak,
One unto another,
Now embrace and weep,
While they watch many suffer.


God is still our Father,
He sees each and every tear,
His Spirit moves across this Country,
Bringing comfort for each fear.
Will America now see her need,
For returning to our God,
Will she bow her knee in prayer,
Upon this land we trod?
There is no hope for the future,
Or protection from the foe,
If God's people will not humble,
And seek Him for each woe.
Land of plenty, land of the free,
Who gives strength and support to others,
Now stands in need of prayers,
From Sisters and from Brothers,
United with God we will stand,
Divided we will fall,
So we must depend upon God's Word,
And make Jesus our "Lord of All".
Jo Ann Kelly
J. P's Inspirations (c) 2001
Sept. 12, 2001.

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