Approaching God

Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causeth to approach
unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.  By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. (Ps. 65: 4-5)

We are so blessed to be able to come boldly to God because He has
chosen us to be His children.  We have access at any time to come to Jesus and ask him for the petitions of our hearts and for others.  We do not have to wait to praise Him or to bring our petitions before Him to be blessed.   He is as close as the mention of his name. 

Are we satisfied with the 'goodness' of His house?  Are we dwelling in His Courts?  If not, all we have to do is speak His name and enter into his presence by making him welcome in every part of our life.
Will he also answer us by terrible, (meaning awesome), things in righteousness?  We are his living temples and God, by His Spirit, which dwells within us is good.....all the time.  He will hear and answer.  What do you need from the Lord today?  He already knows, but waits for his children to ask of Him in thanksgiving for the
answer before it is received.  O that we might know the Father and
behold the mind of Christ.

Jesus is our confidence even to all the ends of the whole earth.  There is none like Him.  All we must do is approach him in spirit and in truth daily.  The words He speaks unto us are life changing.  They will place a zeal in our hearts to proclaim his name by worshipping and glorifying Him. 

Dwelling in the Courts of the Lord is to have the privilege of abiding in Christ.  The Courts of the Lord also means we are surrounded by the 'walls of the Lord'.  He will be a wall of fire about us with his zealous love for us.   There is no veil or division as it has been removed that we may have bold access to God's throne room.  There are many distractions and hinderances, but if our focus is right, our Father is there.  It does not take another to enter in for us as each must present himself to the Lord.  The only veil remaining today is the covering over hearts and minds which divides people and separates them from each other and from God.  This veil of darkness blinds from seeing light and truth.  We are either in Christ or in the world. We are either going forward letting Christ go before us, or refusing to grow in grace which will lead to a backslidding heart without repentance.  When we move past self and carnal minded thinking into the Savior, we abide in truth and life as the veil over our minds has been removed.  The supernatural touch of God is not just a mystical feeling or something that we cannot have each day.  It is ours by faith. We have this touch, this presence, this contact, if we recognize who lives within and let Him be Lord of all daily.  We do not have to work for his love or presence, He is always with us if we love Him. When we gather in his name, He is always there.  His presence becomes our whole life to simply obey and walk in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. {Romans 8. }   Romans 8 has been called the Intercessor's Handbook of Instruction and each Word brings light and freedom when obeyed.   We are to be free in Christ each day and recognize what true freedom in Christ means.   Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

We are living temples of the Holy Spirit as Jesus lives within our hearts.  We are a house not made with hands, that Christ has created new.  He gives us joy unspeakable and full of glory each day when we worship and glorify his name in a world of lost and dying people.  This equals the presence of the Lord and being blessed daily and also corporately every time we gather together in his name.   This may not be an earth shattering feeling , but it will be a mountain moving faith
and an emotion of inner devotion within hearts of praise. While one person may weep in God's presence, another may shout aloud his praises.  While one may set silently basking in God's presence and just listening to his voice, another may verbally express with a loud voice, who Jesus is to them in song or praise.   One may stand in awe and say, "speak Lord, your servant listens."  God alone receives the praise and knows the true heart of a worshipper, looking inside to the deepest emotions and devotions. He will teach us as we lean to Him.
Each expression of worship is a nearness to the very heart of God, 
a feeling by faith that passes our understanding.  We can't afford to miss heaven's best for the world.

He will pour out and lavish his blessings upon us if we open our hearts each moment to hear and receive.  He is always and forever in our midst if we are in Him.  We cannot gain his favor as we are already `in His favor', if we love and obey Him.  We can be pleasing to God by obedience and offering up an incense of praise that is acceptable unto Him.  We also worship the Lord when we give unto Him as He has given unto us.  True praise is a position in Christ and a walk in His Spirit which glorifies God at all times.   His help is defined as "to surround, protect, or aid us."   We are always in need of God's "help".

It is not just a ritual, a song, a shout, or any one specific act we must do to be considered worshipping our Lord.  It is a living relationship, a communion with Him, our every breath, our very being that dwells in the secret place of the most High each day.  This is our reasonable service to Him and we can say "it is good" to be in his service.  It is our song in the night and our thanksgiving each day with a grateful heart.  When we maintain an attitude of gratitude, we are blessed in every test.  God desires everything that has breath to praise Him with every breath by simply walking in His Spirit.  If we fail Him, we must recognize the need to return and ask forgiveness to let Him live through us. Why are we recreated and made holy as his followers?
God's plan brought us back into covenant relationship and gave us eternal life in Christ.  When God created the earth, He made all things including trees which brought forth fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind. And God saw that it was good.   We are also as trees of righteousness, plantings of the Lord.  When he made us a new creature, His seed was also birthed in our hearts.   We were also created anew to bring forth fruit and flourish, even in old age . (Ps. 92-14)  This is why He tells us he chose us and tells us he desires our fruit to remain.  He will draw all men unto Him when His name is
lifted up as we proclaim Him. His joy is our strength. We can rejoice
today and every day in the God of our salvation.   It is good to give praise unto the Lord and approach God boldly  in spirit and truth.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001.

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His name."

"But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.  No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.
Luke 8: 15-16.

                            Prayer for Unity

Help us O Lord this day to see the purpose of being a new creation.  Help us to unify, glorify, magnify, and be sanctified to share your light and glory in the darkness of the world and in celebrations of joy. Your gifts to us are many, but you are the greatest Gift of All.  May we desire to see all receive and be subject unto your ways by knowing you and your will for lives.  Help us to see your desire to purge each branch to bring forth more fruit.  May our eyes be opened to see you have chosen us, made us a new creation and created us after your seed, the Word, set us apart for a reason and in a Season.  You have told us this reason is that we might go and bring forth fruit, and that our fruit might remain.  In doing so we are praising, glorifying and worshipping you with our whole hearts.   You will give us an unspeakable abundance of joy.  You tell us if we do these things commanded, that whatsoever we shall ask of the Father in your name, you will give it.  You are the seed that dwells within us as branches of the Vine, and you are the only true Vine.  Let your love and life flow through us, 
your wisdom and guidance lead us.  Help us to see these things you have commanded us, that we love one another. Help us use every resource and opportunity given to share your message of truth and lift up your name and free gift of salvation.   Create a new heart within the lost as we also ask you to change our hearts daily by your Spirit.  Let our hearts always be humble and contrite before you.  Let us desire to be one in you as unity and oneness of spirit will help us see your plan for man succeed and glorify you .   We ask in your name, and by faith believe you will hear and answer.

Scripture Reference & promises to claim.......John 15: 16-17     

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