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"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young,
spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings; so the Lord alone did lead him".............
                                         Deu. 32
The eagle is an example of how our Lord cares for us.  The Eagle is majestic and soars high.  It is proud and watchful.  Our Lord is high and lifted up.  He reigns in majesty and power.  We are his children and He is always ready to protect and defend his own.  The eagle's nest is a place of safety for her young offspring.  She protects them as she flutters over them.  The Holy Spirit also moves and "broods" over the earth and its inhabitants. His Spirit is active and works to bring forth and create for his glory.
We see Holy Spirit as moving over the face of the waters in the very beginning of creation. (Gen. 1: 2)   God saw all that He had created and said "it was good".   He watches over us "as an eagle" cares for her little ones and teaches them in due season how to soar into the heavens.
The word "moved" in Gen. 1: 2 is Hebrew is "rachaph", and means to brood, relax, or to flutter and is translated "fluttereth" (Deu. 32), as in Scripture given above. This same word is translated "shake" in Jeremiah 23:9. God's spirit moves us to righteousness and holy living and today still
creates new life for Christ. 
As the eagle stirs up her nest to incite her little ones to fly, the Lord also quickens and stirs our spirits to let Him arise in power.  God led the Children of Israel through the wilderness one day at a time.  They did not know the way, but they leaned on the one who knew the way.  As the eagle
protects her offspring, so the Lord will lead us through the "wilderness" of this world.  He knows the way through all the valleys and is higher than every mountain. He is our Good Shepherd and we are the sheep of his pasture. 
I am told the eagle carries her little ones until the day she releases them from her wings to soar into the air and fly on their own.  She alone knows when they are ready to rise above the wind and take flight. God also carries us and bears us up 'as on wings of eagles'.  This statement is symbolic of the protection and care of our Lord.  He will never let us go and is always with us. He will teach us to walk as He is our guide. His Word is a lamp and a light unto us on the pathways we walk in this life. 
With God leading and carrying us, we can rise high above the storm clouds and be safe in His secret place.  He will let us abide in this secret place, under his shadow, and be safe from the heat of battle and strong winds of war. 
We must dwell in the secret place of our most High God
to have his shadow of protection over us.  Isn't this good news that we can abide under the very shadow of Almighty God?  That means His spirit is within us and He is always before us to lead and guide us.
All we have to do is follow the footsteps of Jesus.  How do we find them?  'The walk' is found in Genesis through Revelation.  His Spirit is in each word as he breaks his "bread of life" unto us.  It will nourish us and build us up in the faith as we partake of his hidden manna. He calls unto us, "come and follow me".  He speaks to us in prayer and as we meditate upon his Word.
The old saying of truth, "let go and let God" really does work!  We must let go of our own ways and ideas and let God teach us how to walk in his "spirit and in truth".  Only the truth is able to make one free.  There is no other way or path leading to glory.  Only the way of the cross leads home. His way is His Word.  His Word is His Will.  The Will of God will never take us anyplace where his grace cannot keep and protect us. We have nothing to fear if we follow the footsteps of Jesus. 
When we look at the American Eagle today, we think of freedom.  When we read of the eagle in God's Word, we also think of being free and mounting up in God's strength and power. We can be free in Christ.  Wait upon the Lord.  He will renew your strength.  His words are true. He promised we would "run and not be weary, walk and faint not"; if we only wait upon Him. 
These are wonderful promises to believe and receive today!
Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
Written by: J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001




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