God Goes Before Us

"The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel
will be your rear guard."
Isaiah 52: 12

What a wonderful promise! Not only will the Lord go before us, but he will be our rear guard.  In other words, he is our Defense behind us to support and protect us in all our ways {if} we are abiding in Him.   Just as he went before the Children of Israel in their journeys and was behind them to separate them from the enemy who
pursued them.  He is also there for us. He will whisper words of spirit and truth  to us as we let him lead us on the pathway of life.

Our minds can be in peace knowing that Jesus is leading the way and his spirit is also behind us.  He is as a wall of fire about us and as such the enemy has no power to stop us on this Christian journey.  We do not have to understand everything he is doing but only believe that He has all things in control for our good and trust Him. 

Thanks be to the Father for providing a better way.  We give glory to the Lord Jesus for being the willing sacrifice so that we might have a way back to the Father.  We give thanks because we are enclosed by our Lord  who will keep us safe if we abide in Him.  Just as Jesus willingly took up his cross we also must take up our cross daily and follow Him.  This is a day of "enclosure" with the Lord and reaching out by faith to others.  May we forever be aware of his indwelling presence through Holy Spirit  and know He is just as close as the mention of his name.


Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

What are our building goals?
A great and wise man once called one of his workmen to him saying, "Go into the far country and build for me a house.  The decisions of planning and of actual construction will be yours, but remember, I shall come to accept your work for a very special friend of mine." 
And so the workman departed with a light heart for his field of labor.  Material of all kinds was plentiful here, but the workman had a mind of his own.  "Surely," he thought, "I know my business.  I can use a bit of inferior materials here and cheat on my workmanship a little there, and still make the finished work look good.  Only I will know that what I have built has weaknesses." 

And so, at last the work was completed and the workman reported back to the great and wise man.  "Very good," he said.  "Now remember that I wanted you to use only the finest materials and craftsmanship in this house because I wanted to make a present of it?  My friend, you are the one I had you build it for.  It is all yours." 

How much like man.  He comes to earth a stranger. He has his free agency.  He may build as he likes.  But on the morning of his resurrection he will receive what he has built for an eternal home and habitation.

author unknown              


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