Pleasing God Always

"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise... the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." 
Hebrews 13:15/16 

Today is another opportunity to offer thanks unto our Lord. Just to have health and be able to get up each new day is a blessing from God.  So many are unable to do so.  We are told in this Scripture that "through our Lord Jesus, we are to continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise".  We are expected to give Him praise from our hearts.  We are to have a joyful heart at all times because of our salvation.  Confessing the name of Jesus and testifying of his marvelous works is pleasing to the Lord. We are told to have gratitude because of his salvation and his bountiful blessings to us.  Another command for success is to 'do good and share with others'.  God is pleased with these sacrifices.  As we do unto others, it is as if we are doing for our Lord  if we do these things in love out of a compassionate heart.

Our heart's desire should be to be pleasing to the Lord. The finished work of Jesus on the cross was pleasing to the Father because it purchased our salvation and carried forth God's plan.  His sacrifice was a perfect one and the only one which could pardon and reconcile souls back to God.   May our sacrifice be the fruit of joyful lips and a grateful heart as we bless the Lord for what all he has done for us.  Let everything we do be with an "attitude of gratitude" and love because He first loved us. 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


                Blessings Every Day

The blessings of the Lord are sent our way each day,
Sent down from the Father as we kneel and pray.

There is joy in the morning as the birds sing               out with glee

In sunshine or in rain--we are blessed and we are free.

The food upon our table and roof above our head,
Are because the Father blessed us....we are clothed and we are fed.

The family he has given us and friends we love so dear,
Are blessings from the Lord above.....who is always near.

So take a moment when you wake to bless his holy name,
He's a God that never changes....He will always be the same.

He can save and he can heal.....there is nothing he can't do,
Praise Him today for "who He is".....Our Lord, So "Faithful and so True."

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002




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