Bloom where planted

"It shall blossom abundantly; and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God."    {Isa. 35: 2}.

This is the Season for all things to "spring up" into newness of life.  The grass which withered and died in the cold of the winter has already started to grow and cover the ground with a lush blanket of green.  Flowers which have already budded and bloomed will once again make beautiful designs all across the countryside.  Only God can design a masterpiece of color and beauty on earth's canvas.  Spring is a beautiful time of year as we see new life springing forth in God's creation.  It is almost Easter, the time we celebrate in remembrance of "The Resurrection".  Our Lord was victorious over death and lives forever as the 'Victor',  bringing new life unto hearts of all who will receive Him.  Each day he blesses and we receive from Him as we walk in his spirit and presence.

If you are uncertain what you are to do in this 'Season' of your life, ask the Lord to speak to your heart.  He will speak his words of peace to you and you can "bloom where you are planted."  For everything there is a season and a time for everything under the sun.  People sometimes get ahead of God and his plan, sometimes there is even praying amiss because people go by "natural discernment.  The seed of God must be planted, watered, and cared for but only God can give increase and new life.

We have been placed on this earth and as his children are called to be his mighty army arrayed in garments of righteousness, an armor of His light.  There is a 'wellspring of living water' which has been given to us.  The Holy Spirit is a River of God which flows from our innermost being. This river brings life, love and healing.

Let the Holy Spirit fill your soul today and his joy be strength that lets you know you are 'called, chosen, set apart, and appointed' to an eternal destiny of hope and life.  You are 'one with Him', He is one with the Father, and you have the assurance of his Spirit as a seal of promise.  Everything needed is supplied by our Lord that we might have a successful Christian walk by faith in Him.  He has given us 'his permission' to be seated with Him in "heavenly places" spiritually, as we serve him in spirit and in truth.  We can thank Him for always looking at the heart and judging us with righteous judgment.  May we be encouraged and blessed by all the promises He has given us.  Even the desert shall bloom one day as a rose.

There will be no more thorns or thistles in lives as all things will be made new.  He will make everything beautiful in its Season and time.  All tears will be wiped away by our Lord and the hurts of this life will be remembered no more.  This is the day to "bloom where you are planted" and share the fragrance of the "Rose of Sharon" with others.  Remember, it is not by might, not by power, but only by His Spirit that we can see his will accomplished as we follow his leading.  He will keep on blessing as we keep on pressing on.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2002


Spring is a Season of colorful delight,
Flowers blooming all around make a beautiful sight,
The trees break forth with foliage and birds sing out with glee,
The earth seems to wake from sleep and once again be free.

We are given Seasons in which we also grow,
We become who God intends as we walk this land below,
Letting his hand guide us and lead us on our way,
We will walk in paths of right onward to a better day.

There will be many Seasons helping us to prepare,
For that glorious meeting when we shall meet Him in the air.
Let us then be true and faithful always praising his holy name,
He will hear our prayers and answer, He is a God who will never change.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2002



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