He Makes The Storm A Calm

"He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof  are still."  Psalms 107:29

Thank the Lord that he keeps us safe in the midst of the storm.  It matters not if the storm is caused by the weather or if it is a spiritual battle or trial.  The God we serve is always in the midst of the storm walking with us through this life.

Last night the weather alarms in our town sounded about 2:30 to alert us of severe thunderstorms with tornado warnings as one was sighted nearby.  The lightening and thunder filled the skies.  The sound of high winds is not the most pleasant sound at this time of night or at any time.

As we waited for the storm to subside, I kept thinking of the old song, "Keep Me Safe Till The Storm Passes By."  God will hear our prayers and keep us in safety.   As I prayed for others and our children who were also in nearby towns in the area of the warning, I felt a calm assurance of the Lord being in control no matter what comes our way.

It is good to know that regardless of circumstances around us, we have the Holy Spirit who lives within us.  He will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds stayed upon him.  This is a promise and we can always depend upon God's Word.

Today is the day we gather to worship the Lord and assemble in his name.  Many are not able to attend fellowship with others, some are sick, others grieving over the loss of loved ones. Hospitals and Nursing Homes have many patients who would give everything to have one last chance to be with God's people but some will never get this chance.  We have been blessed and the Lord will keep us.

May we give praise to the Lord today and always for his mercy and grace unto us. He is worthy of all our praise and thanksgiving.

Great is our Lord, and greatly to be praised! 

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



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