The beautiful Christmas Song, "Silver Bells", tells of people who are busy because it will soon be Christmas Day. Everywhere we go this season, we see people rushing to buy that last minute gift. The malls and stores buzz with holiday excitement as the glitter and glitz of the season's decorations create a holiday atmosphere.

People love shopping and giving presents to loved ones and friends to show love and appreciation. Before the Thanksgiving decorations are put away, people everywhere are hurrying out to look for special gifts. This is one of the most prosperous Seasons of the year for merchants. Many people go into debt buying things people don't need, with money they don't have, yet forget to present the most important Gift of all to our Lord and others. 

We see people each holiday season preparing ahead for Christmas Day. We also join in the hustle and bustle of the Season.  The presents must be wrapped, traditional foods prepared, and Christmas plays rehearsed. Everyone is busy making sure everything is completed before the 25th of December. Christmas Eve finds many people making one last trip to the stores to look for sale items or last minute gifts. When Christmas arrives, it is too late if one has not prepared for the day.  When the 26th of December arrives, it is over.  It will be the same on the Day of our Lord and many will not be ready who have not offered their best to the Master in exchange for his free gift of salvation.  There is no price to pay for this gift except to surrender our will and life unto Him.  Yet, still people refuse Him.

We must present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable which is expected of us.  We must also share his free gift of salvation with others as the message was shared with us.  Do we ever stop to think that soon it will be the "Day of the Lord"?   Are we preparing for that day also?   The Bible tells us the coming of the Lord will be as it was in the days of Noah. People were caught up in eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the flood.  They had not made preparation for their salvation nor listened to the preaching of Noah who proclaimed the message of the Lord.  Only Noah and his family were saved as Noah had prepared ahead by building an Ark of safety as instructed by God.  Are we working at lifting up God's 'Ark of Safety', (salvation), by proclaiming the news that the 'Day of the Lord' is at hand? 

We know not the day or hour, but we do know it is even closer today than yesterday. We must be prepared and help prepare others by laboring as Noah. We must declare the Word of Truth. Noah built and also warned. Just as God had said and Noah proclaimed, the rains came and the flood of destruction was upon the land. The Nations are also going to enter the the troubled land in the East given to God's people, "as a flood" would overtake land. They will be led by the forces of evil. We are told when this happens, "the Spirit of the Lord will intervene and raise up a standard" at the right time.  Many will be deceived and not be in the Army of the Lord.

And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an "ensign" of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek, and his rest shall be glorious. And the Lord shall set his hand in that day, a second time, to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left. He will set up an ensign, (standard or banner), for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. The Messiah himself will be a rallying point of all Nations and a sign to all.  Then they shall come to Him, and put their trust.  The House of Israel shall be regathered and even so, we see a regathering in this day and time.  There is a great day coming soon and there will be peace in all the land. It will be true peace from God which we shall rest therein in the thousand years of His reign during this time prophesied. Then we shall enter into the eternal rest of the Lord for time and eternity.

I believe Jesus will take his own, who are counted worthy to escape, out of this world. The dead in Christ shall rise first, and they which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Jacob's troubles are not something the saved will have to worry about or the Greater Tribulation of this time. They shall be with Him in heaven, then in the 1,000 year reign and in all eternity. We must learn of these times to help prepare others in this day to be counted worthy to escape the things which shall come to pass. 

Jesus will also appear at the end of "the day" called "his Day" in Daniel's week, for every eye to behold. He will defeat the enemy with the Word of his mouth and destroy all the works of darkness eternally. Soon after this every knee shall bow and tongue confess that He is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. He is as a "dove of peace" over and in this earth now, seeking to fill souls with His spirit of love and dwell within them forever. It is a choice all have to make, and a choice that results in eternal life or eternal death, (separation), from God. Each person has a choice to listen to the report of the Lord or to receive the lies of the enemy of their soul.

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Many today have rejected the grace of Christ. They seek his hand to move in their behalf, but some do not seek his heart or want his words of healing and life to speak to their hearts. Some will not show the love He wants them and reach the lost as He would do. He wants our hearts to be a dwelling place for His Holy Spirit and desires all of us to belong to Him. We must display the attributes of our Lord in our speech and in our daily walk with Him. 

Noah was pleasing to the Lord and chosen. God saved Noah and his family by safely shutting them in the Ark and even closed the door which shut out the rest of the unrepentant, disbelieving people. Because many will reject the Lord over and over, their hearts will become hardened. The waters lifted up the Ark and Noah's family was saved. The same waters destroyed those who did not believe and swept them away. Can you imagine how those must have felt when the rains came who had laughed and scoffed at Noah and his warnings? It was too late once God shut the door to the Ark. Today is the day of salvation but so many believe the lies of the enemy that they have plenty of time. So many are blinded to the things of God and thus deceive themselves and others. Today could be our last breath, our last hours. What counts in all the tomorrows is how we live today, the condition and preparation of our heart for eternity and the Day of the Lord.

Is this generation as concerned about the coming Day of the Lord as celebrating the birthday of our Lord? Many prepare for Christmas but have not made spiritual preparations. These feel they will have another chance, another day. We know not the day nor the hour of the coming of Christ, but we do know the signs of the times tell us it is drawing nigh. We must prepare as never before for the day of his appearing. Each day is another opportunity to draw closer to him and work in the vineyard of the Lord.  Souls are dying and facing eternity each minute who are spiritually unprepared.

The best part of preparation to meet the Lord is the fact receiving Christ is a free gift with love and eternal benefits.  There is no cost except believing, receiving, and obeying the commandments our Lord has set forth for us.  Obedience results in our being blessed and prospering as our soul prospers.  Every day we have both spiritual and physical blessings bestowed upon us.  Do we recognize these blessings?  Do we see God in His Word and the life that he gave that we might have life and be blessed?  Do we have his peace in our hearts and minds? This is a true blessing which we can have all the time.  Do we recognize God in the morning sunrise and the strength he gives us to rise and start each new day?  Do we see His blessings in the food on our tables and the shoes on our feet.  There are many who do not have a roof over their head or material blessings, but if they have the Lord in their hearts, they are blessed abundantly.  We must see God each day, his Salvation and many blessings.  Our prayer should be to behold God in His Word and our hearts to know Him better. We should not only desire Him to bless us, but to bless others daily and these blessings be recognized as from His hand and heart. 

Today is the day of salvation.  Today there is a gift waiting for those who are searching for the best in life. It is the best gift of all and Jesus paid the price on Calvary's cross.  Without the shedding of his blood there would be no remission of our sins.  His gift came special delivery from heaven to deliver us and make us new creations..... children of God.  The Greatest Gift of All....JESUS

God's plan is so simple even a child can receive this free gift. A child believes and receives God's plan by faith. All anyone has to do is call upon the name of the Lord when they realize they are a sinner, confessing with their mouth what they receive in their heart. All who receive must go on to follow him in obedience by being taught God's Word. Obedience to God is preparing to meet him. It is living as if we expect him to come at any hour but also working in his kingdom while awaiting his return.

As we enter into another new year soon, let us make sure our preparations have been made. We won't know it is the Day of the Lord by the striking of a clock at the midnight hour but in a "twinkling of an eye", we will know. The sound of the last trump could be the next sound which we hear. Are we listening and ready?

The most important gift of all is the gift of salvation and today is the acceptable day to receive this free gift. Remember, we are only one heartbeat away from eternity. Preparation for that day is the most important thing anyone can do. It will soon be what we call "Christ's Day", as the 'Day of the Lord' is coming soon. At the end of this time when all sin and rebellion is removed, there will not only be a celebration of his birthday, but one of all the redeemed eternally. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will reign for all eternity.

Eternal Life........A reason to believe, receive, and labor for the Lord.

Heaven is to gain......Don't miss it for the World!

Matthew 24:42---"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann 

Previously published by J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2000 @ Themestream, Edited, Dec. 8, 2001.

Share the message of salvation and God's love with others today by "doing what Jesus would do" in all things. 
+ ~WWJD?~ +

                Will the Christ Child Come?

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him"      John 4: 23.

This is the day.....this is the hour when our Lord tells us to worship Him not just by words or deeds, but from our hearts.  Our heart is our innermost being, the dwelling place of the blessed Holy Spirit.  He who dwells within searches the heart and knows every desire and intent before it is ever spoken unto Him.  He knows what we really need.  It is his desire to give us our needs, not just our "wants".  Will we let Him come in "His strength" and "his power?"  Will we adore Christ the Lord today by letting Him reign in the midst as Lord of all?

Many worship with their mouth, but their hearts are far from him.   We are a very blessed Nation in spite of all the tragedy we have seen recently.  Yet, still we seek God's material blessings upon us more than we seek his spiritual blessings upon others through us, to build up and edify the Body of Christ across this land.   There is a turning across the land to thoughts of W.W.J.D.? 
The recent events have stirred up many Churches with the thought, "what would Jesus do if he were walking this Earth today"?   He is still alive and well, in our midst through his Holy Spirit.   He tells us to "come see and go tell".   He calls the Nations to "let Him come" in power and to "come and adore Him".

What will get God's attention and a true move of his Spirit to bring real revival?   Only a humble and contrite heart, only a cry from our soul for "God to Help Us" will
open Heaven's windows to pour out the blessings needed across this Land. 

Many today only seek the hand of God and omit seeking the face and heart of God to bring revival to a sin sick society.   "If" my people" will humble, seek, pray, and turn from wicked ways, is still the cry of the Lord unto us.  "Then", and then only, will He hear from heaven to forgive, restore, and heal this land.  God will put a desire in his children to pray, seek his face, and to acknowledge "we need His help" as the Body of Christ.  We glorify Him when we seek his heart to carry his burden and
be joined with his yoke.

Unity across this land by God's children will show a lost 
and dying world that God's people really do care.  Unity is like the dew of Hermon as in Psalms 133.  We are told this is "good and pleasant".  The life giving water of His Word will then flow forth to reach others who are in chains of darkness. 

We are to be as the salt of the Earth.   God still uses his people to "roll away stones" of doubt, fear, hurt, and to help others as we are called the "salt of the earth."  The same sun that hardens the clay, melts the wax".   His light can melt hardened hearts like wax, for his glory and honor.  Salt is also symbolic of "prudence" and godly wisdom of God within which is to be a "savor" to the World, to offer them the "Saviour".   It is very simple to understand that we cannot be salt with "savor"  if we are never "shaken" in spirit with a contrite heart to be poured out for the Lord. 

It is a wonderful feeling to know we are free in the Lord.  True freedom has no intimidation, no condemnation, no fear, jealousy, or any other spirit which is unlike Christ. True freedom is salvation and rest in the Lord Jesus Christ.  If we are free indeed, we will have as our number one focus a desire to see God bless others as they receive Him as their Lord. 

It is not always easy to crucify the flesh and let God have his way, but it is the only lasting way.   "Will Christ come" is the cry of many.  He has already come and is still present today.  Many do not recognize Him, many cannot hear what He is saying to us, nor the true burden of His heart.   We must let his sayings "sink down into our ears," as we are told in Luke 9: 44. This is the only way they will "take root" and bring forth fruit fit for the Master's use.

Let us hear the call of the Lord today to take up our cross daily and follow Him alone.  He will speak peace to our hearts, our lives, and give us a touch  which will protect us from effects of oppression the enemy may try to place in hearts. 

May we recognize the many ways Jesus is present with us.  Remember, He is an "on time God", all the time!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


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