Circle Forever  -  "To Believe"






                 Circle Forever  -  "To Believe"

"It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.  That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity." {Isaiah 40: 22-23} 

Ps. 68-4   "He rideth upon the heavens".

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens".
Selah. Ps. 68: 19

Our burdens and cares may seem heavy at times but we all have a Burden-bearer.  Our Lord, who sets upon the circle of the earth, bears our burdens daily.   We do not have to carry them.  "To bear our burdens" means He will lift them up and carry them for us (if) we go to Him in prayer.  This should be
"good news" to us when burdened with cares of this life.

His truth keeps us in the circle of "The family of God" on earth.   He "surrounds us and compasses us about" with protection and power.  The body of Christ on Earth is joined to Him as he is the head. It is made up of all denominations, gatherings, assemblies, or people who join in the authority of his name proclaiming the truth of His words.  The Bride of
Christ is the "true body of Christ" and they become one when joined  to Christ.  The power of the blood is for whosoever will believe and  receive his free gift of eternal life and let his Spirit live within. 

He is the Prince of Peace, Righteous Judge and soon coming King of Kings.  The earthly princes and judges in their circuits are brought to  nothing, or vanity; according to His Word [if] righteousness does not prevail.  In the light of his righteous judgment none on earth can compare.   His righteousness compasses us as the "course or revolution of time".   He is the Word which has no beginning or end. His judgment shines forth as pure gold  like an amber, (polished bronze), light of fire enfolding itself (Ezek. 1)  across this Earth, and his word is as a gleaming sword purifying with truth.   He is as the "wheel within the wheel" in Ezekiel, the 'fourth man  in the fire', and our 'bright and morning star'. 

As the course of the Sun, so is the "course of the Son". The word describing this is "tekoofaw" in Hebrew and shows us the never ending power and course of the Lord.  It comes from the root word "nawkaf", which  means in essence to "surround or circulate, compass about, go round about, enclose, and round.   It actually means "to strike with more or
less violence" or "knock together".   That speaks to us! We are told the  Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence from the time of John the Baptist  until now, and the "violent, (active), take it by force" or vital activity.  It is time to join together and tear down the works of darkness by the power of his Holy Spirit. We are told to "cast off" the works of darkness 
and dwell in the light.  Our Lord wants this to be a day of "enclosure" for  people as they are called to be a part the "family circle" of God.

Our Lord walketh in the circuit (circle) of heaven. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. (Psalms 19: 6) Isn't this good news to know that nothing is hid from the heat thereof?  The light of the Sun (Son) can melt and warm the hardest heart giving it zeal, light & fire, (divine presence) of the Lord through His Holy Spirit. Fire is symbolic of His divine presence as it purifies, tries and burns out impurities, cleanses, "makes pure gold as of metals", gives light, warms, and burns brightly.  God's people are told to glorify him even in the "fires" (as of tribulation). ( Isa. 24: 15.)   God's people will be purified by fire and his light shall shine to the isles.  His glory will one day fill the whole earth, heavens, land and sea. 

It is good to know we can go to the Lord and exchange our burdens for his light burden.  It is even better to know we can be "yoked" or joined to the Lord in communion and fellowship daily.  He is always waiting to hear and answer us.  This really is something to "praise the Lord for today and always".  Call unto Him (Jer. 33-3), and he will answer and
show us great and mighty things which we know not. 

To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us.  His joy is our strength.  We can rejoice because He lives within our hearts through the power of his blessed Holy Spirit, if we are part of the circle of the Lord on earth.  A circle is without beginning or end. Our Lord is our Circle of truth and hope and enfolds us in this truth.  He will be a "wall of fire" round about the 'Zion of God' and the glory in the midst when they are delivered from the oppression of the enemy.

Will we be a part of the "unbroken circle" of the Lord in all eternity?  The choice is up to us. Being surrounded by Him should be our heart's desire.  We must let his divine presence enfold our hearts and lives with his love and light that is "from everlasting to everlasting". 

If  "His lightnings enlightened the world and the earth saw and trembled" as in (Ps. 97:4), how much more will the glory of the Lord lighten the whole Earth? (Rev. 21: 23). God's children have a blessed promise of his coming glory and eternal reign. Praise be to the Lord!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann 



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