Hearing, Believing, and Crossing Over

Crossing over from death unto life is the most important thing in this life one can do. Those who do not know the Lord are referred to as being "spiritually dead" as they are separate or apart from the Father and are "perishing" daily without Him.  It is good to know we have been changed from 'being dead in trespasses to being 'alive in Christ' by his Spirit. Those who have received the Lord and his words have crossed over to the Lord's side.  Old things have passed away and all things are new.

To pass from one state to another, as from death to life; is to cross over into our heavenly citizenship.  It is turning from sin and going in the way of righteousness.  Our conversation is not of this world but is of Heaven.  Our new name has been written down in glory and we are part of the family of God. We will not be condemned when we have crossed over to God's side, or will not be separated from him in the judgment but will be welcomed into the Kingdom.  When Jesus comes for his own, we will be in that number who will hear the  call to "come up hither" if we remain in Christ.

Will we be like John who heard the voice of God in Revelation? He told him to "come up hither" and He would be shown things which would be thereafter.  When we hear the voice of the Lord calling unto us, He will also reveal his word to us and show us the things which are or will come to pass in the future according to his Word.  The entrance of God's Word brings light and He will guide us until the day of his appearing by the glorious leading of this blessed light.

We have a promise of streets of gold, walls of jasper, gates of pearl, a pure river of water of life clear as crystal, the tree of life, and so much more awaiting us.  The glory of the heavenlies and the brightness thereof will be a wonderful sight to behold, the glory of God and the Lamb.  Holy Jerusalem which descends out of heaven will have the glory of God and her light will be as a precious stone like jasper, clear as crystal.  The gold of that heavenly city is pure and unlike earthly gold but is like unto clear glass.   We cannot fully imagine the twelve gates made of pearl and walls garnished  with precious stones.  The beauty and splender of heaven will be glorious, but Jesus will outshine them all. 

One of the best promises is that "we shall serve our God." We shall see him face to face and dwell with Him forever.  In the Father's house are 'many mansions' or room for whosoever will accept the invitation for eternal life.

It all begins with "hearing and receiving" the wonderful words of life.  We have been commissioned to 'come see and to go tell' of the love of God and his plan for all to share in the life of Christ.
When God beckons us to "come hither" that he might commune with us, we must obey. He will lift us higher than we have even been.

As soldiers of the cross, may we forever fight the good fight of faith and know of a surety that the war has already been won.
We can go forward in peace and love with God's grace in our lives and hearts.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'S Inspirations (c) 2002




  Words of Life


Words of Life have power to change
And make a heart anew,
Words of love can heal and help,
Words of a God who is so faithful and true.

Hearing brings faith when spoken in love,
And faith opens the door to salvation,
To believe is to receive and turn to the cross,
The hope from above for every tribe and Nation.

There is a path which we all must trod
As we walk in this land below,
There is a way that is right in his sight,
And Jesus is the answer as onward we go.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word,
The Spirit quickens and awakens one's heart,
Speak God's Word as it will never grow old,
The power of the Cross still gives lives a new start.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 4/2/2002



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