Thoughts About Your Day

              Strengthened By Christ - Each New Day

Each new day we are given strength by our Lord. Even though we may feel weak at times, his strength and power enables us to go forward by His Spirit.  It is not by our own might or power that we can stand.

God's patience and longsuffering with his children is an
attribute which each of us should also have with others.  He is such a loving Father and extends unto us his blessings as He has promised in His Word. He convicts of sin and speaks peace into hearts who will look to Him to be Lord of their life.  His joy is complete and his righteousness is to be within our hearts.

May we always know that we are never alone in life. Christ has promised to always be with us, and to never leave or forsake us.  When we feel down, all we have to do is look up. When we feel oppressed, we know He is the "lifter of our heads."  When we walk through the valley, Jesus is there with us through His Holy Spirit.  He is our Comforter and Guide.  Knowing his presence is with us always makes each day worthwhile.  As he leads we can follow and He will
teach us as we look unto Him. 

He is the Author and Finisher of our salvation.  All we ever need is found in the "loving kindness" and heart of the Lord.
Be strengthened today in Christ as you feel his love surround you.  What a loving God we serve!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations

"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage; and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Ps. 27: 14. (KJV)


                   Each New Day

Our Lord is always near to care--each new day
He hears us when we pray--each new day.
His voice whispers so tenderly--each new day.
His love flows so freely--each new day.

Where could we go from his presence?
Could we ever really be alone?
He will always be there for us,
And within our heart, He'll be our song.

His peace passes our understanding--each new day
The joy he brings is delightful--all along life's way.
There is no other like Him, no one could love as He,
Because He gave His life's blood--our soul has been set free.

Jo Ann Kelly 
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 1-29-2001

"Draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you."--James 4: 8


Ending the Day With Peace

"Don't let the sun go down with you still angry---get over it quickly; for when you are angry you give a mighty foothold to the devil."
Ephesians 4:26-27 (Life Application Youth Bible)

We speak of beginning our day with the Lord and having "thanksgiving" in our hearts as this is what we are to do. How should we end our day?  We should end our day with peace and also with thanksgiving to the Lord.  We are admonished not to let a day end with anger in our hearts. We are to lay aside all anger and not give the evil one an opportunity to gain a foothold to our hearts. 

The Bible does not tell us we should never feel angry. 
Even our Lord felt anger because of his zeal for his Father's House.   However, the Bible does point out the importance of handling our anger properly. If anger is vented in a thoughtless manner, it can hurt others and destroy relationships.   If it is bottled up inside, it causes one to become bitter and can even destroy them from within.   The Apostle Paul says to deal with anger immediately in a way that helps build relationships rather than destroy them.  If anger is held in the heart, it can give Satan a foothold and he can divide.  Reconciliation is the plan of God and must be done with thoughtfulness and in love.  There is a right place, a right way, and a right time to resolve anger, and the time is when we recognize it and what it can do in lives.  We should always pray first and seek God's help in resolving anger, asking for his attributes to be a peacemaker and peacekeeper.

It is important to examine our own hearts and see if there is any anger or bitterness.  What can one do to resolve their differences?   Don't let a day end without working on any known conflicts which may be present and mend relationships with others as a result of bitterness or anger. God is a God of reconciliation and desires to restore relationships between people as he desires to draw souls unto Him.  Love is of God and we are to love one another.

If there are relationships that cannot seem to be mended for some reason, trust in God and let Him bridge the gap with his love.  Keep holding on to Jesus and claim his restoration power as He gives guidance.  He will be there and never leave or forsake us.  He knows the heart and will reveal it to us when we examine ourselves first of all.  We can rise above every circumstance if we keep our focus on Him by faith 
and not on fleshly feelings.

Living as children of the light is living in God's love and will.  He will always be there to help us in our Christian walk and every problem which may come our way.  As we let His Word guide us and obey, He will restore to us and make good what the enemy meant to harm us.  We shall reap in due Season if we faint not. He is an "Awesome God" and deserves all our praise today and always.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations


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