What A Difference A Day Makes



Thought for Today by:

Bro. Robert Brozoski.

"God gave us today, to prepare us for eternity"!

This thought sent by Bro. Robert is a sermon in only 9 words. Time Is the same for all....Today is a gift 
for us to use as God intends. To prepare for the future and to help others prepare to meet their God. The question is "how will we spend this time?"  What we do with today will determine how we spend all our 'tomorrows' in the future.




                 What A Difference A Day Makes

On Monday there were people fighting against praying in schools.
On Tuesday you would have been hard pressed to find a school where  someone was not praying.


On Monday there were people who were trying to separate each other by race, sex, color and creed. 
On Tuesday they were all holding hands.

On Monday we thought that we were secure
On Tuesday we learned better

On Monday we were talking about heroes as being athletes.
On Tuesday we relearned what hero meant.

On Monday people went to work at the world trade centers as usual.
On Tuesday they died

On Monday people were fighting the 10 commandments on government property.
On Tuesday the same people all said 'God help us all' while thinking 'Thou shall not kill'.

On Monday people argued with their kids about picking up their room.
On Tuesday the same people could not get home fast enough to hug their kids.

On Monday people picked up McDonalds for dinner.
On Tuesday they stayed home.

On Monday people were upset that their dry cleaning was not ready on time.
On Tuesday they were lining up to give blood for the dying.

On Monday politicians argued about budget surpluses.
On Tuesday grief stricken they sang 'God Bless America'.

On Monday we worried about the traffic and getting to work late.
On Tuesday we worried about a plane crashing into your house or place of business.

On Monday we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived.
On Tuesday we saw people celebrating people dying in the USA.

On Monday some children had solid families.
On Tuesday they were orphans.

On Monday the president was going to Florida to read to children.
On Tuesday he returned to Washington to protect our children.....

On Monday we emailed jokes...
On Tuesday we did not.....

It is sadly ironic how it takes horrific events to place things into
perspective, but it has.  The lessons learned this week, the
things we have taken for granted, the things that have been forgotten or overlooked, hopefully will never be forgotten again.

 On Monday - pray and be thankful
 On Tuesday - pray and be thankful
 On Wednesday - pray and be thankful
 On Thursday - pray and be thankful
 On Friday - pray and be thankful
 On Saturday - pray and be thankful
 On Sunday - pray and be thankful
(Author Unknown)


There are two days we should not worry about...These days are "yesterday" and "tomorrow". Yesterday has passed and tomorrow may never come.  Live the best you can today, for we do not have the promise of tomorrow.   Today is the day to share Jesus with others.  Today is the day of salvation.  "Tomorrow" is the 'fools day'.  Share the love of God and sow seeds of kindness and peace today.  The seeds sown today will bloom and blossom into joy and happiness in the "tomorrows".   Pray......and be thankful today.
Have an "attitude of gratitude" and in all things continue to give thanks.  Enjoy all that each new day may bring.  Even though our hearts may cry tomorrow instead of sing, we still have the assurance that "all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are 'the called', according to his purpose".  {Romans 8: 28.}   In this promise, we can face each uncertain day ahead and trust God as his mercy and grace endures forever.
Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2000-2001


   "LET'S ROLL" ~~Last Words ~~A Story To Remember

From an email.

Let's roll,'' Flight 93 victim was heard to say minutes before crashing in a      Pennsylvania field.

                        Flight 93 Hero Heard Before Crash

Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - ``Are you guys ready?  Let's roll!'' is an expression Todd Beamer used whenever his wife and two young sons were leaving their home for a  family outing.

The 32-year-old businessman and Sunday school teacher said the same thing before he and other passengers apparently took action against hijackers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 on Tuesday, shortly before the plane crashed in a western Pennsylvania field.
The jetliner, which government officials suspect was headed for a
high-profile target in Washington, was the fourth to crash in a coordinated terrorist attack that killed thousands, and the only one that didn't take lives on the ground.
``He was gentle by nature, he was also very competitive, and he wouldn't stand for anyone being hurt,'' said Beamer's wife, Lisa, who was told of his last words by an operator who spoke to him.  ``Knowing that he helped save lives by bringing that plane down ...  it brings joy to a
situation where there isn't much to be found.''

Todd Beamer placed a call on one of the Boeing 757's on-board telephones and spoke for 13 minutes with GTE operator Lisa D. Robinson, Beamer's wife said.  He provided detailed information about the hijacking and - after the operator told him about the morning's
World Trade Center and Pentagon (news - web sites) attacks - said he and others on the plane were planning to act against the terrorists aboard.
``They may have realized that (the hijackers) were planning to do the same thing with their plane,'' Beamer said Sunday in a telephone interview from her Hightstown, N.J., home.  ``So they chose to do what they could to prevent other people from being hurt.''
Before the call ended and with yelling heard in the background, Todd Beamer asked the operator to pray with him.  Together, they recited the 23rd Psalm.  Then he asked Robinson to promise she would call his wife of seven years - who is expecting a third child - and their two sons, ages 1 and 3.

After receiving clearance from investigators, Robinson kept her promise Friday.
``People asked me if I'm upset that I didn't speak with him, but I'm glad he called (Robinson) instead,'' Lisa Beamer said.  ``I would have been helpless.  And I know what his last words would have been to me, anyway.''

Beamer said her husband placed the call at 9:45 a.m.  Tuesday and told Robinson that there were three knife-wielding hijackers on board, one who appeared to have a bomb tied to his chest with a belt.  The other
two hijackers took over the cockpit after forcing the pilot and co-pilot out.

The jet was bobbing and changed course several times; the passengers knew they would never land in San Francisco. 
``They realized they were going to die.  Todd said he and some other passengers were going to jump on the guy with the bomb,'' Lisa Beamer said.

Several other passengers made phone calls from the jet before it crashed southeast of Pittsburgh: Jeremy Glick, 31; Mark Bingham, 31; and Thomas Burnett Jr.  38.  Glick and Burnett said they were going to do something.

Todd Beamer dropped the phone after talking to Robinson, leaving the line open.  It was then that the operator heard Beamer's words: ``Let's roll.''

Then silence.
Shortly afterwards, the plane crashed, killing all 45 aboard.

``Some people live their whole lives, long lives, without having left anything behind,'' Lisa Beamer said.  ``My sons will be told their whole lives that their father was a hero, that he saved lives.  It's a great legacy for a father to leave his children.''


                               Jn. 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Some graphics from Mallory

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