Thoughts on the End-Times 


      Are We Nearing The End Times? 

Are we nearing the end of the age? What does the Bible say? What does increase of knowledge have to do with this? These are my thoughts and opinions based on Scripture. 

"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." (Daniel 12:4) KJV. 

The Bible tells us of many signs which will occur in the end times. We can see by the "computer era" how knowledge has increased and covers the Nations as never before. People are on a never ending search for knowledge on this information highway. 

When the people became as one in the beginning of the Bible, (Gen. 11), they were building a tower and city whose top reached into the heavens. The completion of the "Tower of Babel" was their goal. "They were all of one language, and there was nothing they could not do", according to the Bible. God came down, scattered the people and confounded their language. Babel means "confusion" and as a result, we have the many different languages of the world today. 

In this age, the world wide web joins people and Nations together. Men have built an invisible network towering through the heavens across the world. Once again, people are becoming as "one" in knowledge, as language translations are available for expressions of thoughts from one country to another. The language barriers once known, are no obstacle today. It makes one wonder how God looks upon this age of knowledge, as compared to the days in the Genesis account. 

The time of the end is nearing according to the many signs we see in the Bible. Daniel 12:4 is a Scripture where Daniel is told to preserve the knowledge given him, by inspiration from God, and it will be sought out by the Jews in the last days. In the time of the Tribulation, the Book of Daniel will be studied by the Jews and seen as the revelation of what is occurring in their homeland of Israel. Many seeking knowledge and signs of the end-times are studying the Books of Daniel and Revelation, even today, as never before. Our daily news also reveals the fulfillment of prophesy. We are living in the days of the "beginning of the end-times" since the death and resurrection of the Lord and this fulfillment of Scripture. 

Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel; and other Prophets of old, foretold events which would take place upon this earth at the time of the end of the age. 

The speed of travel has increased in the twentieth century which is also a sign of the increase of knowledge. 

We read and hear about the formation of a One World Religion or Church. This is leading down the path to Armageddon as prophesied, and the final battle. "Mystery Babylon" is a gathering of all the false religious systems of the world. This system will dominate the 10 Kings of the Revised Roman Empire or "zones" until the Anti-Christ comes into full power. 

Those who join in this false one world merging of religious minds, may well be the ones present on earth to see prophesied events unfolding before their very eyes. This will be the darkest hour this world has ever known, for those left on earth. 

There are no signs which have to be fulfilled before the "gathering" or "catching away" of the Christians by our Lord. This is prophesied and is called by many "The Rapture". It is believed by some Christians to be the next event on the prophetic time-table. The word Rapture is not in the Bible, but in Greek is "harpazo". This is defined as "to carry off or grasp hastily, to snatch up or seize and take away". From this Greek word, we get our word "Rapture", which means "the act of "transporting" or carrying away. This is used in Matt. 13, 1 Th. 4-17; Rev. 12: 5; as well as other Scriptures. The dead in Christ shall rise first in the Rapture, then true Christians alive on earth shall be "caught up" together with these in the clouds. This is our "blessed hope". It will not come as a surprise to Christians, as they are to be watching for the Lord with great expectancy. 

Luke 21:36 tells us "watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted 'worthy' to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Escape is another word for being "caught away" or delivered from the wrath to come. 

When Biblical signs occur, we may look up and know that the time of redemption is drawing nigh. It is not just a "fairy tale" as some may believe. 

Even though no man will know the exact day or hour of the end, there are signs prophesied to God's people of his imminent return. 

There are definite signs which must be fulfilled before the coming of the Lord to the earth with the Saints seven years after the Rapture. This event is referred to as "the Day of the Lord". This is a separate event. One sign is the rebuilding of the Temple. This will be the Temple Antichrist will desecrate. Only this year a group planned to lay the foundation stone for the temple, but was unable to do so on their chosen date. This will take place in the future. 

There are no signs which must be fulfilled before the Rapture or "catching away", can take place. This will be the "beginning" of the Day of the Lord. Even today, the prophetic time clock is ticking away, nearing the end. We are close to the midnight hour which will usher in a new day. This will be an eternal "day of rest". 

The Bible tells us Jesus will come as "a thief in the night". How does a thief in the night come? A thief comes when one least expects him. He always leaves behind more than he takes away. He takes only the very best things. Think about these statements. Jesus will come when the unsaved World least expects Him. He will leave behind more than he takes away. He will "translate" (change), and take only the very best people. Jesus will gather his "jewels" or his people to take them away from the time of "Great Tribulation". This means those who are saved by faith and have accepted his plan of salvation and obeyed his commands. The best of the spiritual "harvest" are those who are of the spiritual "seed of the Lord". He will separate the wheat from the chaff according to the Bible. 

If we look around, we can see wars and rumors of wars as never before, earthquakes in divers places, and the love of many has certainly waxed cold. Daniel tells us "they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever". Soul winning is to be the most important goal of a Christian. A soul winner is said to be wise according to Proverbs 11:30. 

As we see the end approaching, let us be about the Father's business as never before. Yes, increase in knowledge is a sign of end-times prophesied which cannot be ignored. Biblical knowledge is also increasing today as many seek God for His Word to become a revelation to them personally. 

Seek the Father today. He promises when one seeks Him with their whole heart, they will find Him. Let him fill your heart with not only wisdom and knowledge, but with his love. His love covers a multitude of sins. Remember, we are only one heart beat away from eternity. 

J. P.'s Inspirational Thoughts 2001


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