Giving All To Jesus

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." {1 Peter 5: 7}

Do you or others you know feel anxious or burdened down with a weight of care or problems?  There is a sure solution given in God's Word.  We do not have to be cast down or stay troubled because of what may be happening all around us.  We are told to cast all of our cares upon Jesus.  We are to give him everything that bothers us, all our problems, frustrations, or worries that may come our way.  After all, He already knows all about it and there is nothing  too big for the God we serve.  We can trust and lean on Him.

The word in Greek meaning for "casting" our cares actually means to "throw upon" another. When we can surrender our will to Jesus and let Him help us through each day and be with us through the night, He will prove Himself strong in our behalf.  We have already been told to come unto Jesus if burdened and heavy laden, and he will give rest.  His yoke and burden is not as the world would give, but is so easy and light.  He is calling his children today to just come unto Him and find rest.  So many are caught up in the struggles of this life to find acceptance with friends, power, positions, and favor; that many forget to just reach up to the Lord.  His Spirit  will gently lead and see his children through as they depend on Him. 

Today is another day we have been given to enjoy our salvation and share it with others.  Once we surrender our wills for his will, we can share his love and care with others.  A kind word, smile, or a helping hand may be just what another person needs today to make it through.  As we have been encouraged by Christ, may we also encourage others in Him.

Let today be a day to remove the weights that so easily beset us and run this race with patience. We are closer to the finish line than yesterday and each day we see prophecy being fulfilled.  Today's decisions may determine the outcome of our tomorrows.  May all our choices be right ones that we may walk in the straight and narrow path set before us by the Lord.

He cares for us and stands ready to help in every situation.  As the Scripture says, "we have not because we ask not" so many times.  Let us ask that we may receive and our joy may be full and complete because of the wonderful gift of salvation so freely given.  All to Jesus we surrender, everything that we have or ever hope to be we give to Jesus as we daily present ourselves to Him.  He will ever love and help us as He cares so very much for us.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P. 'S Inspirations (c) 2002

He Is There

Do you have a burden that seems too hard to bear?
Do you need someone who you know will really care?
There is one who calls and says "come unto me"
Jesus is waiting to help and He can set you free.

When we trust him with everything in our life
He will always see us through all trouble and strife,
The Savior is always so quick and ready to defend,
He is always there and will be until the end.

Look up to Jesus in heaven above,
He has a heart always filled with love,
He will carry you over the rough and rocky way,
He will lead and guide you as in his love you stay.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



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