As Gold Tried

"But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.  My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined."
Job 23:10-11

We all have read the story of Job in the Bible and know he was a perfect and upright man who feared God.  Even though he was righteous, he was allowed to be tested and tried by the enemy but he came out as pure gold; just as he had declared.  His stand was by faith in his Creator and he endured because He knew God would bring Him out and restore unto Him.  Job kept the ways of the Lord and walked in the steps of righteousness.  He did not decline from 'right paths' of the Lord.  His confidence was in God alone and even when doubted and accused, his assurance was firm in the words of the Lord.  Job esteemed the words of God even more than his necessary food.  This is a true hunger for the things of God.  He knew the power of holding on to a God that cannot fail.

Just as Job stated his confession of faith, we also can say that the Lord knows the way which we take.  When we are tried, we can also come forth as gold.  Gold is a reference to purity or being free from the dross of sin which would separate us from God.  When the Goldsmith worked with gold, it would be put on the refining fire until all impurities were removed.  He knew the gold was pure when he could see his reflection in the metal.  This is the way it is with our Lord.  When our Lord can see his reflection in us and his ways in our lives, then we are being molded and made into his image as he desires.  His characteristics and attributes of love should be in each of our lives.  Faith in God to make us what we should be is necessary to become what we are meant to be.

As we keep on the right path and walk in the ways of his Word, we will become more Christ like. The testing of our faith works patience and in turn we know by the things which we experience that God never fails us.  As Job of old, we can say, "my foot hath kept his steps"
if we keep on walking with the Lord.  Job had restored to him twice as much as he had before because he overcame the trials of the enemy.  He prayed for his friends and his captivity was turned by the Lord.  The Lord always comes through for his children. We can have hope in God by faith that we shall also come forth as pure gold if we keep holding on to the nail scarred hands of Jesus.
Our blessed hope by faith is in the Lord and his Words of Life which are faithful and true.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ" 1 Peter 1: 7.


Believing is Receiving 

Have you a trial that is hard to bear?
Do you feel you are carrying more than your share?
Remember, there is someone who sees your every tear,
Call upon Jesus and he will hold you near.

Do you sometimes feel that you cannot go on?
Does sickness or trouble make you feel all alone?
Remember, there is One who is walking beside you,
With his Word he will lead you and with his hand guide you.

Our life is in Jesus our hope in his Word,
His promises are faithful.....the greatest story ever heard.
Call upon Him in your darkest night,
He will always be there to give you his love and his light.

There is no other who can still the raging storm,
Our Lord understands and can keep you safe from all harm,
No matter how impossible your problem seems to be,
Jesus always has the answer...... He speaks peace and can set you free.

Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Believing is Receiving
"Whom the Son makes free is free indeed."
All things are possible to those who only believe.
Romans 8: 28.          



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