Sharing God's Grace

"For I long to visit you that I can impart to you the faith that will help your church grow strong in the Lord.  Then, too, I need your help,  for I want not only to share my faith with you but to be encouraged by yours:  Each of us will be a blessing to the other."  Romans 1: 12. Life Application

When we pray continually about many requests, it should not really surprise us when God answers our petitions and blesses us.  The ways he answers may surprise us at times as God's grace is still so amazing.   His ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our thoughts.  Although we may be down at times, God is always up to something good in our behalf.  He likes to abundantly bless us above all we think or can even imagine.  Expect God to answer and work life's problems out in His ways.

The Apostle Paul was writing to the Romans in these Scriptures telling them he desired to visit them that he might teach the Christians there.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Paul's prayer for a safe journey was answered.  He arrived safely in spite of getting arrested, being persecuted, shipwrecked, and even bitten by a poisonous viper along the way.  Would all these things have stopped us in our work and service for God?  They did not stop Paul, because he was a man of God with a renewed mind; going forward by faith on a mission for God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God's ways of answering prayers are often not what we expect, but he always answers.  Paul prayed for the opportunity to visit them so he could encourage them and also be encouraged.   As a missionary of God, he could help them understand the meaning of the 'Good News' about Jesus.  He knew as God's people, they would also offer him fellowship and comfort.  This shows us when Christians gather in fellowship everyone should give and receive.

Whatever you may be praying about today, be assured that the Lord has heard your requests.  He will answer in his way and time.  God's delays are never his denials.  We know that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will receive a new strength as God himself will carry them through each day as they lean to Him.

As we offer our petitions and wait upon God may we expect Him to answer.  While waiting, we can stand strong in the power of his might and bless others also.  As we do unto others as we desire God to do unto us, we will find our Lord is pleased.  He will also impart unto us his blessings and give us that extra faith that we may share with others the hope which is within us.  He is our "hope" and our reason for living, He is our "All-in-All",  He truly is our "Everything". 
His grace truly is sufficient for our every need and prayer.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P's Inspirations (c) 2002

                                     HE IS

His grace is sufficient for every life,
His blood saves a sinner from their sin and strife
His love is the greatest this world could ever know,
He alone took our sins away, and grace He did bestow.

He is our hope and reason for living,
He keeps on giving as we keep on believing.
His mercies endure forever and kindness never fades away,
His presence is with us each and every day.

All honor and glory is due to the Son,
He is worthy of all praise....there is no other One,
One day He will return to catch his bride away,
Present his Church to the Father.....on that great Wedding Day.

Until the day of his appearing, He will be true,
As we look unto Him who made all things new.
Stand fast in the Lord and he will provide,
As He leads, loves and cares.....As our Savior, Lord and Guide.

He is our everything...."He is Life, He is Love, He is Liberty".

by Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002.

                              SHARING JESUS

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
Romans 10:14 

Telling others about the Lord is our responsibility as followers of Christ.   All Christian are not preachers or leaders but all are called to be witnesses.   How can the lost believe in salvation if they have not heard about the Lord? They cannot understand without the Word and Holy Spirit working personally in their lives.

May we each purpose to share Jesus with others by our witness to them and by sharing his Word.  Soul winning is to be our number one priority in our Christian walk while on this earth.  Salvation is by faith alone in the Saviour and faith comes only by hearing.  Hearing comes by the 'Word of God' and sharing God's plan can be as easy as.....A.B.C. with the leading of God's spirit. 

God's Word changes lives.  As we "hear" we increase in faith and can rightfully give God the praise and honor due Him. It is not so much about what we do, but it is about what we let Him do in, through, and for lives.  God's Word brings change and moves us into his will for our lives as we build on a "sure" & solid foundation.   We must receive his plan of salvation and instructions to continue on and be disciples indeed.  We will want to be "doers" once we receive and 
constantly be changed by the "washing of the water of the Word".  "He sent his Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." 
Ps. 107: 20.

Our words, prayers, ministry, or deeds toward others may help them feel better and are good but can never truly change a life.   Only God's power and spirit is able to touch, bless, and change a heart to receive what is needed to endure until the end.  True devotion will bring us blessings and gifts of God that will stand the test of time.  Dedication will bring us eternal rewards and a desire to stand even in
the furnace of affliction or opposition.  It is by his strength only that we can endure until the end and have victory.

Spiritual, physical, and emotional healing only comes through Christ, the Living Word of God .  He ministers unto us each day and speaks words of truth and life .  He will teach, lead, guide, and bless us daily if we open our hearts and ask of Him.  We must be obedient and let Him speak to us as we lean on Him. 

There is no certain time, place, or way to receive help or blessings as God moves at all times when hearts are presented to Him.  We can never limit Him or his power. His ways are not our ways nor his thoughts our thoughts. Blessings and help are received by simply being obedient as His Word declares.  Loving Him with all our hearts and seeking Him opens the door to receiving as we daily walk in the spirit of the Lord. 

We do not have to rely on feelings but know his presence is with us because we walk by faith.........not by sight. "Believing is seeing" and we can sense his presence by faith in his finished works.  He is the "solid rock" which we must build upon.  If we build on our own works or efforts, we will fail; but if we are building on Christ Jesus we can stand secure by faith.  Only God can change and transform a life. 
Only God can minister grace and healing as hearts are opened to Him, His healing words and Spirit.  His gifts to us will always edify and build up the Body of Christ as we unite as one to win the lost to Christ.

The blood of Jesus will bring true "devotion".  It will break down the rituals and routines of "profession without possession , "emotion without true devotion", as He gives spiritual life and freedom."   Search the Scriptures for in them we have eternal life and joy.   The Scriptures testify of the Lord and this is the greatest testimony of all.   He is the Living Word.  God 's Word testifies of a God that can do more than we could ever imagine or think. We cannot limit Him to what we may expect Him to do. His testimony always shares promises for good and not evil if we are obedient . 
Regardless of how bad things may look in the natural, we should always see and think good in the spiritual. 

We see many in this age falling away who doubt God and do not take time to sit at his table. Many sit at the table of the enemy because they cannot discern the truths of the Lord. He tells us he "prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies".  We must discern "who is on the Lord's side" and "who is the enemy of our souls".  May we diligently seek "godly discernment" to know and recognize our Lord and his people as we fellowship with others.  This is a day when the question is, "Who is on the Lord's side"?  Who will stand for the right?  May we hear the call of the Master and choose this day whom we will serve. 

Sharing Jesus is sharing the gift of life. Is there any better gift?   May our hearts always focus and be on "Jesus first, others second, and last but not least; on our desires in Christ.  To put ourselves last is not to be less.  We will receive the blessings of the Lord.  "He that exalts himself shall be abased, but he that humbleth himself shall be exalted".   Jesus has given us a plan that is simple to follow. 
The ABC's of salvation begin with Alpha, the Great "I AM" and end with Omega, the "Author and Finisher of our Salvation".  It is a circle of love that never ends. Everything that we need we can find in Him, the "Beginning and the End", the "First and the Last".   He is Lord, He is Life, He is Liberty and He is Love. He is all we need.  May His name be exalted and glorified forever.
John 3: 16 The blood of Jesus will never loose its power.

He will give true rest and we can celebrate Jesus in spirit and truth.  To "celebrate" in the Old Testament was of utmost 
importance and the Israelites were told to "celebrate "on the Sabbath.  The word celebrate was "shabath" and meant to desist from exertion, to repose, to 'make to rest'.  It also meant "to move in a circle," (as one going forward),
to march in a sacred possession as in rejoicing, to hold a solemn feast or holiday.  We sometimes forget to search the Scriptures and see the meaning of a "Solemn Assembly as
resting, repentance, and rejoicing in Jesus." 

God still desires the sacrifices of a humble and contrite spirit. (Ps. 51: 16) The burnt offerings and sacrifices were not what he desired. Today, it is also our hearts turned to Him that pleases Him when we make him Lord and follow after holiness. Celebration came from the word "to revolve or fear" and means  we are to have an 'awesome fear or reverence 'for God . They were to inspect their hearts, and have a godly sorrow for sin which would bring repentance.
They were also to praise the Lord their light, to shine as they showed forth his mighty works and glorified his name. We are also to do the same today as we rejoice in Him.

Celebrate his love and the joy of salvation.  Rest in Him today as his rest is not just a "day" but it is a "way."  We are to walk in this Gospel way all of our days.  There is always rest for the weary who rely upon the Redeemer.

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002


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