"Humpty Dumpty Christians"




               "Humor, but Truth!..... On The Lighter Side"
 "Humpty Dumpty Christians"
Remember the nursery rhyme about Humpty Dumpty who sit on a wall?
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
All the King's horses and all the King's men,
couldn't put Humpty
back together again."
Does that bring back memories, or what?
Do we have any "Humpty Dumpty Christians" in Churches today?  Sure, we all know some, or maybe have been one at some time in our life. Hummmmmm.....Something to think about here!   Sometimes they are not recognized until they have a great fall.

I know you are wondering what 'Humpty' has to do with Christians, or maybe why I didn't select something like, "Mary Had a Little Lamb", or maybe "Little Boy Blue" with the sheep in the meadow and cows in the corn; instead of Humpty Dumpty?  Maybe those rhymes will be next, LOL. As this particular poem relates, not one person could put "Humpty" back together again.  Now that was bad news (even in a fairy tale)!  Can we help put those who fall back together again? 

Christians are to be "watchers of the wall" and stand in the gap for souls.  We are to help guard and keep the enemy away from the Lord's Camp.  We must recognize the enemy is not flesh and blood. We are in real warfare with spiritual powers and must be on guard, however; we are not to be only "watchers",...We are not just called to "watch and stay", but.......also be helpers and "watch and pray".  If or when a "Humpty Dumpty" Christian falls, there is no earthly person who can put them back together again.  We notice all the 'King's horses and all the King's men' could not help poor ole Mr. "Dumpty", our little make-believe friend.  All one can do to help spiritually is "just point the way to God"  How can we do this?  Only by God's Word and his Spirit empowering us to point the way and also pray.


 Only our "King of Kings" can mend the fallen, help the wounded, and heal the broken hearted.   Those around who see a soul restored or  a *"cracked pot" put back together again as a vessel of honor can say, "look what the Lord has done!"  It is 'mercy in motion' when God moves in.   
We have heard some denominations referred to as "hard shell", lol, but haven't we seen "hard shells" in all Churches?  LOL., I believe we have. O. K., I know, most prefer to be called, "sunny side up" ,but being as we are "on the "lighter side" today", we can get away with a little "egg-tra" humor. 
Have you ever felt like or been a Humpty Dumpty Christian?  If so, join the crew.  You also know that the Lord can take brokenness and make everything new again. Seriously, there is no fracture too "faulty", no brokenness "too bad", and no suffering soul without saving hope of a Savior.   Ever been there?  I wonder how many of us came from the same dozen?  LOL...All the way from "fragile to faithful" in the basket of the Lord.  Then if we will obey, the promise is "blessed shall be your basket and blessed shall be your store."  Deu. 28: 5.  That's one more good promise !                                       
Many Christians are just like Humpty, who was pictured as "an egg".  We see him in his bow tie with his 'cute little hat' perched on top of his funny looking egg-shaped body.  With his stocking legs and cute smiling face, he looks all safe and secure....... until He has a great fall! 
What was Humpty happily doing before he fell?  He appears to be "just sitting."  Is it the same way today in Churches across the land or not?  Many are watching as the World goes by, keeping guard from the high "Towers of Truth".   You don't hear these singing as David the Psalmist, "I have run through a troop and leaped over a wall by you O Lord".  Many are too busy sitting on the walls of safety instead.
Many are just waiting for the Lord to come back. 
 Instead of working..... they are waiting. 
  Instead of "walking......they are talking",
 Instead of "dining......they are whining"
 And instead of "trying...they are sighing." 
 Instead of "feeding.... they are feuding",
 Instead of "praying...... they are playing". 
     And.... instead of really "trying, 
  most of these actually.... are dying"!!!  
Eventually this type will fall, unless they are revived by the hand of the Lord.  The Church is not to be a "Waiting Room for the Saints" to camp in but an E. R. room or Spiritual ICU for sin sick sinners.  God is in the healing business and has never had one single unsuccessful "heart transplant" (spiritual that is), to this day!  We are called to be spiritual EMT's and have the best manual and teacher of all, He is the Word!  Jesus is the Greatest Physician of ALL!  And a benefit is that the fee has already been paid in full!  Do we ever get it backwards or not?  Many of us can look back on "whining days" as we sing, "He brought me Out" and "now I can shout" or.... "He set me free" and "now I can see".   
Many have been in their positions for years climbing the ladder of "so called spiritual success".  Just as they near the top of their religious ladders with a great sigh of relief, many are surprised to find they placed it on the wrong side of the wall.... and have a great fall!  Our Lord is as a wall of fire around us and without a "spark" you will never get a fire of zeal going.          
Don't place your spiritual ladders away from the fire of the Lord.   His fire is to purify and cleanse from the inside out.  If you place it in the "comfort zone" you will never experience the "throne zone".  Now we all want those blessings from the throne, but trials by the fire of God move us closer to the real Throne room of God.  We must make sure we are on the right side and all on the same team going through Jesus.
Although Christians are not made as Humpty, (in the form of an "egg"); *well, most aren't anyway, (*smile); they do have an "ego".  This can also be "self" or "self-ish" and be just as fragile as an eggshell.  At the least little pressure of life, some tend to crack and are subject to a fall unless they allow the Lord to repair them fast!  Once a shell, (flesh), suffers the cracks of 'hurt feelings and disappointments', it begins to weaken.  Ouch!, too many unrepaired cracks and before long, look out!   If one does not let the Lord work on the inside to repair the outside, before long the weight of the burdens on the outer shell sends "egos", tumbling down in despair. 
 Can God use "cracked pots" or "broken vessels" again?  Sure He can if one allows Him to do so.  He is a God who mends broken things as He is in the Restoration business.  The Bible is full of stories where He remade, restored, and revived the broken.  Then He sent these forth to pick up others who may have fallen and bring them to Him for repair. He is in the business of restoring instead of tossing out what others consider useless or unwanted.  Cracked vessels who have been broken cannot contain the hidden treasures of the Lord.  God can remake every vessel into one of honor.
To avoid being a Humpty Dumpty Christian, we must let the Lord change us from the inside out.  Our heart is to be purified and Jesus, who is pure gold, will live within.  He is to be in the center.  Now if we are being compared to an egg, we must have the right kind of yoke!  If we are crushed, we need to make sure Jesus is what flows out from us.  If He is the "yoke" we are joined to and lives within, we will be safe when hit by the forces of the enemy.  Our outer shell, (flesh), must be crucified with Christ.  As some have said, "you can't hurt a dead man".  We die to sin and are a new person, no longer walking in the flesh.  Our flesh may be wounded, but Jesus bore our sorrows.   Being crucified with Christ protects us from fatal blows of the enemy.  It is no longer us that live, but Christ that lives in and through us.
I suppose a better example today might have been, "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the Candlestick."  :o) Now in some Christian circles this would be much more interesting or maybe more "egg-citing".  To be joyful is great, however, we don't have to jump over our own candlesticks.



Truth is, we need to lift our lights up high and let them shine for Jesus.  Others are to see and glorify our Father which is in heaven.  We need to lift Him up more and let others see Jesus exalted by walking in the Spirit of the Lord.  He will provide all we need when we don't have it.  If he provided a ram in the bush at exactly the right time and saved Abraham's Son, we know he will provide for us as "sons and daughters" and save the day.  We must "only trust Him".
The twelve tribes were "one dozen" that God loved in spite of their faults and failures.  Just as He gave promises to them, He also gives us promises.  The Disciples were "another dozen" chosen.  These gave the "sunny side" good news of the Gospel to the Nations.  Only one was broken, who was not repaired, and this was Judas who would not allow the Lord to remake Him. He was the so called "bad egg" of the bunch. As a result, He suffered loss.
The rest of these "egg-tra-ordinary" guys were no "over easy" or "light" in their preaching and teaching once remade by the Master.  Peter might have appeared to be somewhat 'fickle' at times, ready to deny and run; but when Jesus got through with him, He was a powerhouse of truth yoked to the Lord.  Doubting Thomas appeared to be a little "hard boiled" when he had to see to believe, but Jesus said he was also blessed!   We can't be too hard on him as we are the same today with gospel truths.  These, with the exception of Judas, became "the dedicated dozen."    We also have to get off the spiritual roller coasters of "ups and downs" and get stable in Jesus.



That's just a few thoughts on "the Humpty Dumpty Syndrome." If you ever feel like Humpty Dumpty while watching the rest of the world go by, make sure to let Jesus arise from within.  If you see others in "egg-ony", in dire need of repair; take Jesus to them.  He has all the 'egg-tra' time in the world and is just waiting to help whosoever will call on Him.  We are called to be his followers and lead others into the way of truth. May we be about the Father's Business today and always.  
Have a blessed, 'sunny-side up' kind of day with Jesus,

Jo Ann

J.P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001

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