Healing Waters 

When we think about "healing waters" we sometimes forget the "water of the word" referred to in the Bible. God's Word is living water unto us. It is life giving and all we have to do is come and drink or partake of this water to be renewed, revived, filled, or healed. This water never runs out, there is enough for everyone who seeks it, and it is the one drink that can quench the thirst of a thirsty soul. 

God's Word tells us "he sent His Word and healed them". We know Jesus is the Living Word of God and is the Healer. His written words are living to us and when we receive them in Spirit and in truth and believe his promises, we can receive what we ask by faith believing. 

We must have this "water of God's Word" to survive in the spiritual sense also. Without it, Satan can defeat a person. It is an "oasis in dry places" we may walk through. 

Let God's living water cleanse you, fill you, and then let it flow out from you. It will bring life to others as we are told "out of your belly (heart) shall flow rivers of living water. Jesus is within us and we are to "let God arise and his enemies be scattered". 

Thank Him for this living water and share it with those along the pathways of your life. It is healing waters and can heal a sin sick soul because Christ is the "healing stream" from above we share. He will bless and reward you richly. 

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirational Thoughts 2001

                    Springs of Living Water

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ"
(Titus 2: 13)

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 
See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up.

Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert 
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43: 18: 19.

"And he said unto me, It is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
Rev. 21: 6. 

These Scriptures are such wonderful promises for the child of God.  God tells us He will do a new work in lives and hearts and also make a way when there seems to be no way.  He invites us to come to the fountain and drink of water which springs up unto life everlasting.

The new work can be seen when we yield to God's Spirit in all things and let him mold and make us to be more Christ like. 

When the dry and barren deserts of this life offer no water to quench the thirst, Jesus will make the way by giving water from the "fountain of life."   One of the words for fountain in Hebrew is "mayan" and means a spring, well, or fount, and is figurative of satisfaction in Christ Jesus.   This water shall spring up as a well of living water into your heart making you happy and complete in Jesus. In Greek meaning, the word fountain is "pege", and means "a supply of water or well, springing up as a source of enjoyment".  The Prophet Isaiah tells us there will be fountains opened in the midst of valleys. Isa. 41: 18.  This is a source of joy which began at Calvary when Christ said,  "It is Finished." and shed his life's blood for our salvation.  His joy is our strength in our Christian walk.  Even in the midst of pain and suffering, trials and tests, we can have joy in knowing Jesus.

Does Satan ever falsely accuse you with harmful words
or use others to remind you of  past faults and failures? 
Does he ever try to destroy your witness for Christ by
making others believe his lies and accusations?   If so, he has no legal right to do so.  The Lord will defend his own and the schemes of the enemy will be cancelled by Christ.
Claim every promise of God and live in peace.  God has cast your sins into the sea of his forgetfulness as far away as the East is from the West.   It is the scheme of the enemy to try and put back in your life what God removed when he cleansed and made you whole. Old doubts, disbelief, hurts, fears, sin and condemnation were removed.  It is Satan's scheme to try and place 
these things back into minds and lives.  We must take authority over his works of evil and claim all our rights as a new creation in Christ.  Old things are past away. All things have been made new.  "In the name of Jesus", command Satan to flee as you are God's property. 

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh; but after the Spirit.  Romans 8:1.  It all depends on "how we are walking" and  "whom we are following."   We can choose either "spirit" or "flesh."

When we are walking in the spirit of the Lord, the evil one has no right in our life.  When he comes around we 
must command Him to leave.  When Satan uses intimidation or his lies against a Christian, he is trespassing on legal property of Jesus.  He is only allowed to be "under our feet" when we are on on the right path of the Spirit.  The Lord has redeemed us from the curse of sin and placed us in the "way of truth." 

Living water is 'life giving water' and it shall spring up from inside your innermost being.  The joy of the Lord is your strength.  Come to the life giving water of the Lord today.  There is no thirsting for the things of this life when one partakes of this fountain of eternal life. 
Remember, Jesus is the "Way-Maker" and He will always make a way for you.  His Fountain for "whosoever will drink" is located on the straight and narrow path .  This path is not always chosen as the most popular route
in life, but it is the only way which leads to Eternal Life.

God's love will revive the thirsty soul, cleanse and make one whole.  Come to the water today and let His love wash over your soul and his mercy grant your petitions in this Gospel way. The road less traveled is the only way.  Jesus walked this road before us and has given us all the directions needed to safely make it Home.

Be blessed today and a blessing to others,
In Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2001


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