Hungry for His Presence

"For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."---Ps. 107:9.

Are we hungry for the presence of God?   Do we long for and desire not only his presence, but also his fellowship and power?  We are told he will give us this and "in his presence is fullness of joy."   When we are in the presence of the Lord we can have complete joy according to his Word.   Do we know others who never seem to have happiness or have something missing in their lives?   If so, we can offer them Jesus.   In his presence they can find what is missing from their lives and strength which comes from God alone.


The "joy of the Lord" is our strength and without his strength, we cannot stand when the storms of this life come our way.   It is sometimes said, "into every life a little rain must fall."   It also is said that "it rains on the just and the unjust."   We will walk through good times and bad as we serve our Lord, even though we are Christians.  He never promised us a rose garden but He will be as a perfect rose among the thorns of this life.  One day there will be no more thorns and no more trials or sorrows.   All will be changed into perfection.  Until that day keep holding on to Jesus and feel his presence daily.  There are many roses of this earth which are referred to as 'wild flowers of the field', but only one perfect rose with the dew of Hermon and fragrance of an alabaster box, full of precious spices.


If you sometimes feel more like a thorn than roses in this life, stay humble and remember Jesus bore the crown of thorns upon his head for us.  In our weakness, He will be our strength and helper.  In this life we will all have sickness, pain, suffering, but the promise of eternal life is ours if we endure patiently until the end.  One day there will be no suffering or pain as promised.  The meek will not bear the curse of sin or it's sting, but will inherit the earth, renewed and filled with His glory and fragrance.  We are from the earth from the first man Adam, but our citizenship is from the heavenlies when born into the family of the second man Adam; Christ Jesus.  True humility is realizing we are nothing without the presence of the Lord.   It is knowing that even in the midst of piercing disabilities, trials, oppositions, or weaknesses in this life, God is our strength and causes all things to bud and bloom in his season through his Holy Spirit; as the horn of the House of Israel will bud in his season with strength and power. (Ezek. 29: 21--Ezek. 24: 27)


Seeking God's presence is not just seeking his hand to move in our behalf, but it is  seeking his heart and face in communion.   Seeking his presence is to desire more of Jesus by being willing to "do his will" and commit to "his ways."  When we seek Him with all our heart, we are promised we will find Him.  He is not hid from us but is always near.   Let his presence surround you today and his joy fill your soul.  You will find He is all that is needed for a happy and successful life in Christ.  Even when things may not be as pleasant as desired, He will be there and make life worth the living as He keeps on giving.


Seek Him today as his "manna" from on high will supply all your needs according to his riches in Glory.   He is the "Living Bread" and at his right hand can be found pleasures forevermore.  We too can dwell in the house of the Lord, forever.  These are wonderful promises to claim and are freely given from our Lord who will never fail us.  His goodness and mercy not only goes before us, but will follow us all the days of our life as we seek Him each new day.

Blesssings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002



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