Holding On

There is nothing greater which we can hold on to in our lives than hope.  As Christians, we 'profess' hope in our lives, but we must actually 'possess'  that hope, as hope guards the mind against doubt and unbelief. 

There is nothing greater which we can proclaim to fellow Christians than the admonition to "hold on" by faith and keep pressing forward on this journey with Christ.  All around us, we see hurting people filled with doubt because their dreams have
not come to pass.  Many feel God has failed them because they do not realize God may wait until they are "down to nothing" to show that He is "up to something," and will never fail them.  We must learn to live by faith each day as we claim his promises.

God likes to work when nothing else will for his children.
Even though all are not healed, they have the promise of a glorified body with no sickness or pain one day.  Greater still is the miracle of holding on by faith in the midst of pain or trials of this life.  It has been said that anyone can serve God in the good times, but it is in the "trying times" of life when our faith is really put to the test. 

God knows both the beginning and the end. He is delighted in our praise to Him and hears our prayers of faith.  Hold on..keep believing...and wait upon the Lord.  They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  Do you feel weary?  Those who wait upon the Lord shall run and not be weary, walk and faint not. This is a promise to us.  Part of holding on is 'resting in the Lord'.  To 'be still and know that He is God' can calm the heart and bring peace to the soul. 

Look not to the right nor to the left, but to the straight path prepared by the Lord.  Following on, we shall reach our goals. Let go of worries and hold on to Jesus.  As we lift Him up, he will roll our burdens away.  He is our burden bearer and is worthy of all praise!

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

Hold On By Faith

Let go of worry and take hold of faith
Hold on to the promises God has given,
Release every doubt and cast away every fear,
Jesus is our Savior and our reason for living.

Press on toward the prize and a crown of life
Never give up along the way,
The Comforter is with us to lead and guide us,
There is always hope and a brighter day.

He is faithful who promised and will do what he has said,
The righteousness shall never be forsaken by our Lord,
So press on and keep going one day at a time,
And look to the future and God's eternal reward.

Jo Ann Kelly (c) 2002
J. P.'s Inspirations


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