Hope and Love Are Like A Rose.

Thoughts of anticipation and expectations of the fulfillment of God's promises unfold in our memory like the petals of a beautiful rose.  Even 
when the petals of a rose are crushed, they release 
a sweet fragrance which only our Lord God, the sweet "Rose of Sharon,' can make and share with his creation.

"They pierced my hands and my feet.."--Ps. 22:16.

As the nails pierced the body of our Lord, his love and forgiveness was released to the world.
It wasn't the nails that held our Saviour on the old 
rugged cross, it was his love for all mankind.  It was 'love in action' that day which was poured out to the world and gave hope to all.

"Hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.  While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly."   Romans 5:5-6 RSV

If you have ever been disappointed you know the 
feeling it can suddenly bring to your life. Everyone has gone through disappointments, hurts, misunderstandings and sorrows but no one has ever gone through what our Lord experienced in his passion and sorrows.  He was despised and rejected of  men, a man acquainted with grief's, but was obedient to the Father, even unto death on the cross with a willing spirit.  He was wounded for us and willingly took the stripes given with the cat of nine tails upon his own back. Each stripe he bore released the precious crimson blood that flowed freely for our salvation and healing.  Sin was covered by the blood of Jesus and the fragrance of one who is our "Rose of Sharon" among the thorns of this life we all face.

There is someone who can always be counted on. Our blessed hope in the Lord will never disappoint us.  His love is lavished upon us and has been literally poured out upon us through His Holy Spirit to fill our lives with peace and joy.  In our weakness, he became and is our strength. While we were yet sinners, He died for us and arose that we might live.  We have nothing to fear or fret about because Jesus is faithful.  We have 'divine appointments' to look forward to, not 'disappointments' to dwell upon because we are made over comers by the One who is Lord of all.

Disappointments will always come while we are in 
these earthly bodies but one day there will be no 
more disappointments after our divine appointment with the Saviour.  He will wipe away all tears and call our name as his own, part of the Bride of Christ to be presented to the Father. There is a blessed hope and a future for all those in Christ Jesus.  The failures of the past do not determine his faithfulness for the future. If you have disappointment, doubt, or despair in your life, depend on the Deliverer, Christ Jesus.  He will always come through for you as he is an 'on time God', all the time.  Claim the promises given today while leaning on Him, and know of a surety that according to God's Word, "the best is yet to come."

Blessings in Christ,
Jo Ann
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

He is There

Feel disappointed, hurt, sad or alone?
There is one who understands and cares.
He will heal your hurts and wipe away your tears,
As his love with you He always shares.

The mender of broken hearts,
A friend to those who feel alone,
Jesus is one who will be there for you,
He will speak peace and give your life a new song.

There is no other friend who will always care
There is no other who will listen to your heart,
There is no other who is closer than a brother,
Jesus is the only one who can give your life a new start.

Reach up and speak his blessed name,
And by faith know He hears your every plea,
The Healer is always near,
He will answer and set your heart free.

Jo Ann Kelly
J. P.'s Inspirations (c) 2002

"Only when we have knelt before God, can we stand before men"......unknown


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